Hello Bonneville Family,
Today, our Vikings took part in a review of our school culture and expectations—responsibility, respect, and being ready to learn. Our students enjoyed engaging with these important reminders, especially through the videos created by our student leaders (SBO, Peer Leadership, LIA). They did an amazing job helping us remember key points such as staying safe, not running in the hallways, and keeping our hands to ourselves. A big thank you to everyone who helped make today possible! We take great pride in allowing our students to take the lead at our school, and it’s inspiring to see them develop such important life skills.
As a reminder, we will have no school this coming Monday, January 20th, in observance of the federal holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Before becoming a school administrator, I had the privilege of teaching Spanish, Social Studies, and English as a Second Language here at Bonneville. As a history enthusiast, I’ve studied many incredible figures like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Simon Bolívar. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy also resonates deeply with me. His commitment to equal rights for all, and his message of kindness, love, and respect, is something we can all draw inspiration from.
I’ve had the chance to stand where Dr. King stood when he delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” speech, and as I stood there on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, I reflected on how each of us, in our own way, is a part of that dream. Every day, we have the choice of how we treat others—whether they speak our language, look like us, or hold different beliefs. What we all share is our humanity: we make mistakes, we seek love, and ultimately, we all want to be good to one another.
As you enjoy the long weekend, let’s take a moment to choose kindness, respect, and happiness in everything we do.
I love our Vikings, our teachers, and our amazing community!
Mr./Señor Bailey
Student Information for Parents
To keep parents informed and engaged with what’s happening in our classrooms, we will update the grade-level documents each week. Teachers will also include a question you can ask your student to spark discussions about their learning at home. Simply click on the grade-level “button” below to access the document.

Student Attendance Resources for Parents
Parent Supports for Student Attendance – English
Apoyo para la Asistencia Estudiantil para Padres – Español
Upcoming Events
Open Enrollment for 2025-26
Spread the word! Bonneville is now accepting applications for the 2025-26 school year. Joining the Viking Family means being part of a community that celebrates diversity, supports growth, and helps students reach their full potential. Encourage your friends and neighbors to apply today—visit our website to learn more!
Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday, January 20th – No School
Boys Volleyball at Eisenhower Jr High on Wednesday, January 22nd starting at 3pm
Girls Volleyball home vs Eisenhower Jr High on Wednesday, January 22nd starting at 3pm
Our Annual Viking Night for all our future Vikings who are currently in 5th grade is on Wednesday, January 22nd from 5:30pm – 7:30pm. Enjoy food, fun and family bonding for everyone. Our amazing teachers will be putting together some activities for this event and may invite student volunteers to assist.
Viking Groups and Intervention on Thursday, January 23rd following 1st period
Chinese New Year Cottonwood Network Celebration on Thursday, January 23rd from 5pm – 7pm at Oakwood Elementary School.
Spirit Week will be January 27th – 31st with a PM assembly schedule on Thursday, January 30th
Current 6th graders class selection for next school year will take place starting Tuesday, January 7th

Current 7th graders class selection for next school year will take place starting Monday, January 27th

Current 8th graders class selection for next school year will take place starting Monday, February 3rd

Extracurricular Activities for our Vikings
Chess Club on Mondays from 2:50pm – 3:50pm in Room 132
Debate Team on Tuesdays from 3:00pm – 4:00pm in Room 125
Dance Society on Wednesday from 2:50pm – 4:00pm in the Dance Studio
Underwater Robotics Club on Thursdays from 3:00pm – 4:00pm in Room 139
Lego League on Thursdays from 3:00pm – 4:30pm in Room 107
MESA Club on Wednesdays from 3:00pm – 4:00pm in Room B – 7
Other Miscellaneous Items
Personal Electronic Devices Policy
Starting Tuesday, October 15th, personal electronic devices will no longer be allowed during lunch periods. This aligns with the Granite School Board’s decision for all K-8 students, encouraging face-to-face social interaction (as referenced in The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt, Ch. 5). Devices should be out of sight either in backpacks, lockers or left at home. If a device is seen or heard, it will be taken and held in the main office until the end of the day. Multiple violations will require a parent/guardian to pick up the device. Bonneville Junior High is not liable for lost or stolen personal devices.
School Bus Pass – please select here for more information
Locker – Would your student like a locker this year? Please submit your request by selecting here. Locker number and combination will be emailed to you within 48 hours. It is not necessary for students to have a locker.
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