Hello Parents,
Over the last few years, bullying has become a hot topic. The latest research shows that, nationwide, one in three children is directly involved in bullying as a perpetrator, victim, or both. The research also has shown that the majority of bullies are/were bullied themselves.
At Jackling, we are committed to do all we can to create and maintain a safe learning environment. We have procedures and policies in place to deal with and attempt to prevent bullying. However, there is much you can do to help us in these efforts.
The first thing you can do is become familiar with Granite School District’s definitions of bullying, cyberbullying and harassment as well as the procedures and policies we have in place to deal with such behavior and make sure that your child is familiar with them also. These definitions, policies, and procedures are found in the Student Handbook, which is found in the Jaguar Links section on our school website. Here is a link for your convenience – Student Handbook. Due to many factors, the tendency has become for many individuals to label every incident as bullying, which is obviously not the case. By having an established definition, we can get on the same page when we talk about these issues, thus allowing us to more effectively and appropriately distinguish and deal with incidents that may or may not be considered bullying.
The next thing you can do is establish communication with your child’s teacher. You and your child’s teacher can and should be a team in creating an effective academic experience for your child, both at school and home.
Here is an article that provides additional suggestions and resources that you can do at home to prevent/deal with bullying – English Spanish.
Feel free to come speak with me if you have any questions or concerns about this topic. Thank you for all you do for your child and for Jackling.