Kearns High School REGISTRATION INFORMATION 2014-2015 As per Granite School District, all secondary school are moving to an online registration process. This fall parents will be registering their student(s) online through the Granite District homepage. Please go to and locate the blue title Parent Portal at the right of your screen. All forms will be available starting ...
Academic Letter
Attention students: If you earned a 3.8 GPA for each of the three quarters so far this year and if you have great citizenship grades with no ones or zeros, then you might qualify for the academic letter award. You must apply to get the award. Applications will be available in your English classes or from Ms. Nicholson in room 103 starting on a Monday April 7th, and must be turned in with a copy ...
Keeping up-to-date with your child’s online behavior
Please click on the link to open the PDF version of Apps to be aware of. ...
Parent Teacher Conferences
Kearns High Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Tuesday, February 11 and Wednesday, February 12 from 4:00 to 7:00 in the Kearns High Cafeteria. Other events will also be held on these nights: Tuesday, February 12 - 4:00-7:30 - FAFSA Completion Night (Room 239) Wednesday, February 13 - 7:00-8:00 - Zero Fatalities Parent Night (Auditorium) ...
Parent Survey
Parents, we want to hear from you. Please complete the short survey at to tell us about your experience with Kearns High. ...
2014-2015 Kearns High Course Catalog
The 2014-2015 Kearns High Course Catalog is now available on our school website under Students > Resources or by clicking on the following link: Kearns High Course Catalog 2014-2015. ...
Utah College Application Week
During the week of November 11- 15, the Kearns High School counselors and college access advisor will be visiting each senior English class to help every senior fill out at least one college application. This is part of a program called Utah College Application Week. To find out more about this program and to get more information about post-secondary education, visit the Step Up to Higher ...
Concurrent Enrollment Classes
Students, if you are taking a concurrent enrollment class next year you MUST REGISTER through Salt Lake Community College by August 15th. NO EXCEPTIONS!! If you have already taken a concurrent enrollment class this past school year, you do not have to register again. ...
Girl’s Tennis
Girls' Tennis starts Wednesday, August 31 from 8-10 AM. Bring your own tennis racket. ...
Parking Stickers
Any student who wishes to purchase a parking sticker ($10.00) may pick up an application in the office between August 21st and 23rd. All parking stickers must be on cars by August 26th. School personnel will be ticketing cars beginning August 26th and you will receive a $25.00 parking ticket if you do not have a current year parking sticker in the car. ...