We would like to make sure that you are aware of our expectations for the chilly time of the school year. Students should be dressed and prepared for the cold weather with the following items; warm coats, sweaters/ hoodies, boots, hats, scarves, mittens/gloves etc. Please make sure that these items are marked, in case they are misplaced or lost. Students should come prepared to go outside, get some fresh air, and exercise outdoors, on a daily basis. If students are not well enough to go outside, please keep them home until they are feeling better. The exceptions to going out daily, are listed below:
- Inside morning in the gym, IF there is significant rain fall or snow fall. (IF students will be getting wet, outside.)
- Inside morning in the gym, IF the temperature is below 20 degrees.
- Students sitting on their pockets, no running around, playing sports etc.
- Inside mornings are from 8:20-8:35 to ensure our outside duty teachers are in the gym to help supervise.
- Teacher/Grade Level Discretion
- Inside recess IF the temperature is below 20 degrees. Recess time held inside the classroom.
Lunch Recess:
- Admin/Office Discretion
- Inside lunch recess IF there is significant rain fall or snow fall (If students will be getting wet, outside), recess time held inside the classroom.
- Inside lunch recess IF the temperature is below 20 degrees, recess time held inside the classroom.

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