May 2024
Stansbury Students and Families,
We are down to the last two weeks of the school year. We have many fun activities planned to celebrate the hard work, attendance, and growth that our students have made this year. It is imperative that our students continue to follow our school expectations and rules to be included in these activities and events. We want our students to continue to show respect to adults and students in our building, ask for help when having an issue or concern, keep their hands and feet to themselves, and follow our Graduate of Granite characteristics. We are excited for students to receive recognition for being able to give their personal best, academically and behaviorally, each and every day. Please encourage your student to do their best these last two weeks.
Please check and use Class Dojo if you have specific questions to your student’s teacher. If you have any questions please contact the main office 385-646-5032.
Friday, May 17th – 12:45-1:05 pm: 4th quarter behavior reward activity. Students who have had 0 Office Referrals and no more than 2 Minor Incidences will be rewarded with a fun sprinkler water activity. We ask that students come to school in clothes that they can get wet in. Students will not be allowed back into the building to change. Please send them with a towel and a backpack or bag to carry their items home in. Students who do not meet the criteria to attend the activity will continue learning with a grade level teacher until the dismissal bell.
Friday, May 17th – 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm: Granger Family Festival at Granger High School. It’s going to be a great family event. Please stop by the Stansbury table for some yummy cotton candy. Hot dogs and chips provided for all attending, along with family activities, community resources, and student performances. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, May 22nd – Field Day
Thursday, May 23rd – Movie Day & Last Day of School for Kindergarten. It will be a full day for kindergarten-6th grade students.
Friday, May 24th – Last Day of School 1st-6th grades & 6th grade Clap Out. School will end at 1:15 pm. We invite 6th grade families to join us on our north playground at 12:45 pm. We will invite our 6th graders to take one last walk through our hallways and exit through our 2nd grade doors where you will be able to take pictures and celebrate their hard work from Kindergarten-6th grade. 6th grade students will be able to leave with their families when they are done taking pictures. School will be dismissed for 1st-5th grades at 1:15 pm.
No School – Spring Break April 1-5
Tiger Tabloid – November 2023
Report Abusive Social Media Accounts
Our school fundraiser has begun!! Please help support our Stansbury Elementary School. We will be purchasing playground equipment, another set of soccer goals, field trips, science and math supplies, and more. Please help us reach our goals!
Exciting Breakfast and Lunch News
September Family Information
Stanbury Families,
1. Our fall parent-teacher conferences (SEPs) are tonight, September 19th, and tomorrow, September 20th, from 4:00-7:00 pm.
2. Thursday, September 21st is an early out day at 1:15 pm.
3. No School Friday, September 22nd.
4. Please sign up for a Parent Account in our new platform, Focus. In Focus you will be able to see your student’s grades, attendance, IEPs, 504s, etc. focus.graniteschools.orgWe can help you at SEPs to sign up for an account.
5. We will have a dentist visiting our school on October 5 & 6. If you’d like your student to see a dentist and get in-school dental care at NO COST to you please complete the application at SEPs or online at the following link:
6. Boo to the Flu will be providing flu shots to those that are interested at our SEPs tonight, September 19th from 4:00-7:00 pm.
7. Our first family fundraiser dinner night is happening this weekend- September 20th-23rd!!! Visit Papa Murphy’s (next to Macey’s and Granger High School) and mention STANSBURY and our school will receive 25% back. This money helps support our students and school programs. Please support us by having pizza with Papa Murphy’s this weekend.
Please see our school Stansbury Facebook page as well as our Stansbury PTA for up to date information. We look forward to seeing you this week!
Tiger Tabloid – September 2023
We are excited for school to begin tomorrow, August 16th at 8:35 am for 1st-6th grades. School dismisses at 3:20 pm on regular days and 1:15 pm on early out days.
Parents, PLEASE use the parking stalls when walking your students to class. DO NOT park on the curb as this is a No Parking & Drop Off Zone Only space. PLEASE protect all children and keep them safe by following the rules, being safe, being kind and respectful in our school parking lot.
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