This week marks the first Armstrong Academy SEP conferences. Thank you in advance to all the families for making arrangements to come back out to school in the evening and conference about your student’s growth and development as it relates to school. I can’t emphasize enough what a difference those few minutes of discussion make to reiterate to our students the value we place on the work they’re doing at school.
And, SEP conferences will be a great opportunity for students to get to show off all the new additions to our building to their families. It seems every time you turn around, some other part of the school is completed, and we can’t wait to show it off. Before or after your student’s appointment, take a few minutes to wander the halls of the school. Don’t miss poking your head into the library or one of the STEM activity labs. It doesn’t take long to realize just why your student is so excited about school. I feel the same way!