As we’ve discussed in relation to our Armstrong Games, the end-of-year testing is quickly approaching. Students will participate in the SAGE writing test beginning immediately after the spring recess (see schedule below). For a sampling of what these tests are like, please visit the practice tests available by following the link on our website. Not long afterward, students in grades 3-6 will participate in other SAGE assessments to measure their level of mastery in language arts, mathematics, and science. And, in May, all students will have one more opportunity to demonstrate their level of reading proficiency on the final DIBELS benchmark exam.
Although they can be somewhat burdensome, the end-of-year tests are a powerful way for students to be validated in their tremendous learning efforts throughout the year. We’d like to see every student take great pride and ownership in their learning and perform to the best of their abilities on their exams.
Parents, please continue to encourage your student’s best efforts while at school and keep their personalized Olympic goal ever-present. Please take special care to help students come on their testing days well rested, well fed, and ready to do their best.
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