Kennedy (Mrs. Hind): She is a great example of how to use manners in our classroom! I love that she always says “please” and “thank you.” It sets a great tone for everyone.
Aleisha (Mrs. Fisher): Very quiet. Gets all her work done. She is kind to others.
Kamden (Miss Johansen): Wow! First day, and he is already a pro! Amazing behavior, nice to everyone, and listens to the teacher. Keep it up!
Elliott (Mrs. Rogers): Elliott is always doing his best. Best work, best behavior, best friend, and being a best student!
BriAnna (Mr. Pendleton): She is a very honest, caring person who isn’t afraid to ask questions and communicates . Way to go BriAnna!
Zander (Mrs. Antonetti): When he saw a friend in need he was eager to help him.
Ruben (Mrs. Passey): Ruben is a very enthusiastic student. He is friendly and kind to others. Ruben is an awesome student.
Yaritza (Mrs. McCrea): Yaritza is very kind and considerate. I appreciate how well she listens.
Maycie (Mrs. Antonetti): She looks out for others, is helpful, and uses her manners.
James (Mrs. Matsumura): James is a great student. He has such a positive attitude and comes to school ready to learn. James is also kind and thoughtful.
Kendrew (Mrs. Dorval): He always has a smile and likes to help others. Kendrew is respectful and follows our rules.
Mickey (Mrs. Smith): Mickey is an awesome 2nd grade Armstrong Eagle. He is always on task and respectful. Way to go, Mickey!
Matthew (Mrs. Rolan): He is a great example to others. He works hard, follows directions, and does his best work all of the time!
Ethan (Miss Moore): He is a great listener and a good helper. He is a great example to his classmates. Awesome job Ethan!
Jenna (Mrs. Christensen): Jenna is always looking for ways to help other people. She pays attention in class and stays on task.
Emma (Mrs. Coats): She is helpful, kind, and always on task.
Amy (Mrs. Farnsworth): A wonderful example, always on task with a bright smile. Keep up the good work.
Mextli (Mrs. Olsen): She is a super star listener who is always ready to do her best work.
Dakota (Mr. Sorensen): Dakota is brand new to our school, but he fits right in. He is enthusiastic and eager to learn. We are glad to have him. Keep up the good work.
Hannah (Mrs. Marsing): She is an amazing team member. She works well with any team she is with and helps others so everyone on her team is a success.
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