Kingston (Mrs. Fisher): Kingston is a good student because he is always on task and doing his best work!
Gunnar (Mrs. Rogers): Gunnar is a quiet student who tries his best. He is a hard worker and well-behaved!
Maelie (Mrs. Jo): Maelie is a dream! She is always on task and helping the teacher. We love her in our classroom.
Daniel (Mrs. Hind): Daniel always does his best work in the classroom. He is kind and polite and a very good helper. I am so glad he’s in my class this year.
Ally (Mrs. Passey): Ally makes good use of her time. She works hard and is very enthusiastic to learn new things.
Easton (Mrs. McCrea): Easton has been a model example in class. His on task behavior is greatly appreciated. He is kind, and considerate. Great work!
Kaiona (Mrs. Antoneti): Kaiona is a hard working boy who loves to learn, turns in his work, and is able to explain his thinking.
Kaitlyn (Mrs. Matsumura): She is such a great student. She comes to class ready to listen and learn. Kaitlyn is also very sweet and thoughtful of others.
RJ (Mrs. Rolan): He has already completed his first reading series and earned his blast off pin! Way to get out class started!
Brea (Mrs. Dorval): She did all of her work and finished first. She followed all the rules and directions!
Ailee (Mrs. Smith): Ailee is one of the sharpest Eagles in the class. She is always smiling and loves learning. She makes our class a bright, happy place to learn.
Marit (Bodell): Marit is always attentive and focused. She is kind to help others at her table and is a team player. She also turns in top quality work and is willing to ask for help when needed.
Aubrie (Hedquist): Aubrie is a hard working student who comes to school prepared to learn everyday. She is always pleasant to be around and very kind to her classmates. Thanks Aubrie!
Victor (Freeman): He tries his best with everything. He excels in math and always turns in his work. Victor is a friend to all of his classmates and participates in class. Way to go Victor!
Aiden (Mrs. Olsen): Aiden is a great listener who is always looking for ways to help others.
Victoria (Mrs. Farnsworth): Wonderful, fabulous, terrific, best ever! Thank you!
Ana (Mrs. Coats): She works quietly and is always on task. She is also kind to others.
Quinton (Mrs. Christensen): He has been great about following directions the first time. He tries hard and participates in class discussions. He is helpful and kind to others.
Jared (Mrs. Marsing): He is always on task and is a hard worker. Jared works well with his team and is good at solving problems.
Megan (Mr. Sorensen): Megan is our top Eagle this week because she is always willing to help her classmates. She is extremely persistent and has great character. Keep up the good work Megan!
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