Jose Merino (Mrs. Rogers) – Jose has shown incredible growth. He always does his best, and he is always wanting to learn.
Elise Elliott (Mrs. Fisher) – Elise does her work and is nice and respectful to her friends and teacher.
Grant South (Mrs. Hind) – He is 100% awesome! This kid does amazing work and is always willing to be a helper no matter what the task.
Shantell Grider (Mr. Pendleton) – She is awesome! She is normally on task, very helpful, very friendly, and always smiling. Way to go, Shantell!
Corinne Elliott (Mrs. McCrea) – Corinne is a great example of how to stay on task and work hard on her subjects. She is great at explaining and helping those who struggle.
JT Grimes (Mrs. Antonetti) – JT works hard, watches out for others, and is kind. All great things for him to do in our classroom!
Colin Thai (Mrs. Marsing) – Colin has worked very hard to pass off his essential concepts. He gets his homework in on time and asks for help when needed.
Mayley Madrigal (Mr. Larsen) – Mayley always has a positive attitude. She makes rue to include others. Mayley is very responsible and always keeps up on her homework.
Brayden Piper (Mr. Sorensen) – Brayden is our Top Eagle this week because he is so enthusiastic about learning. He is always eager to participate. Keep up the good work, Brayden!
Destiny Rich (Mrs. Marbery) – Destiny has made great improvements this year. She has improved her reading and math skills greatly. Destiny participates in class and has become a great problem solver.
Brandon magana (Mrs. Hedquist) – Brandon followed all of the instructions for the “Family of Tree Traits” project. He did a very neat and orderly project. He handed it in on time and was very proud of his work. Way to shine, Brandon!
Aubrey Still (Mrs. Bodell) – Aubrey is improving so much with her writing skills. She writes with great voice! Aubrey also is always asking for extra help in math to understand the concepts better. I’m so proud of Aubrey and her efforts!
Tayler Ericksen (Mrs. Moore) – She is always willing to help out! She tries her best on all her school work and stays on task. Great job, Tayler!
Carter Grossaint (Miss Johansen) – Carter is a great example to our class. He is always trying his best. He helps others and is honest. Way to go, Carter!