Rudy Hernandez (Mrs. Fisher): Great improvement in reading. He is responsible. He is a good leader.
Alyssa Potter (Mrs. Hind): She is kind and considerate to everyone! She is always willing to try, even when something is hard.
Garrett Nelson (Mrs. Rogers): He has been working very hard in class. His reading and math has improves and he always does his best.
Brisa Gonzales (Mrs. Passey): Brisa is very kind and thoughtful. She always does her very best work on assignments. She has made improvements in many areas this last quarter, especially in reading and spelling.
Tiano Benally (Mr. Pendleton): He has joined our class and made a very positive impact. He is respectful, intelligent, and we are glad to have him!
Mickey Pierce (Mrs. Smith): Mickey is always in “Top Eagle” form. He is so considerate of those around him. He loves to learn and always does his BEST! Good job!
Elizabeth Freebairn (Mrs. Matsumura): Elizabeth has been working hard to improve her math. Successfully mastered all her math concept. Way to go, Elizabeth.
Vanessa Ericksen (Mrs. Spicer): Vanessa made HUGE gains in her middle of the year DIBELS benchmark! Way to go!
Khaiya Bounyavout (Mrs. Dorval): Khaiya tries her best on her classwork and homework. She is kind to others and respects her classmates.
Royce Bowden (Mrs. Marbury): Royce is a hard working student. He made outstanding improvement on his DIBELS and excels in math. Royce passed off his math concepts. Way to go Royce.
Saydee Thornton (Mrs. Hedquist): Saydee is such a hard worker. She never gives up when she struggles with a task. Saydee is always kind and polite to those around her.
Kate Nelson (Mrs. Coats): She excels in reading and math. She works hard to complete her assignments and is always willing to help others.
Jeffrey Badger (Mrs Farnsworth): Great improvements in work completion and effort. He is a wonderful thinker and student! Yahoo! Keep up the good work.
Dakota Pratt (Mrs. Christensen): He has been trying very hard lately! He has been doing all his classwork and paying attention in class!
Vivian Larrieu (Mr. Larsen): She always actively participates and helps everyone in class keep a good attitude.
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