The Armstrong Community Council met last week and created the first draft of the LAND Trust Plan for the 2015-2016 school year. School Community Councils (SCC) are charged with analyzing data, identifying needs, setting goals, and aligning resources to meet those goals. Specifically the Armstrong Community Council will allocate the projected $45,000 LAND Trust budget to support an action plan to reach our LAND Trust goal. The proposed goal for next year is:
Our goal and area of focus is to increase the percentage of students reading on grade level in grades 1st – 3rd from 64% in January 2015 to 75% in May 2016. Additionally, we will increase our school-wide SAGE proficiency results from 49.2% in May 2014 in Language Arts to 60%, from 56.9% to 65% in mathematics, and 53.3% to 62% in science by May 2016.
To accomplish this goal, the Armstrong Community Council will renew its funding of reading support aides in our younger grades and near-daily collaboration time for teachers in all grade levels.
The plan will be voted on at the next SCC meeting (March 18 – 4:00 PM). Please provide any input at that meeting or to a member of the Armstrong Community Council beforehand.
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