Pablo (Mrs. Hind) – He is an amazing reader and writer. He is always excited to learn.
Anna (Mrs. Rogers) – Anna is a very hard worker. She is trying so hard to learn our language. She is doing well.
Kalolo (Mrs. Fisher) – He is new to our class. He knows all his sight words. He does his homework and reads. We love having him in class.
Angel (Mrs. Jo) – Angel has been doing great in class. He always tries and is fun to be around.
Christy (Mrs. Antonetti) – Christy is a hard worker who isn’t afraid to ask for help. She is kind towards other and her easy going ways make her well liked by her peers.
Carter (Mr. Pendleton) – He puts forth and effort every day to do his best, to be a friend to everyone and to contribute to our class. Great job, Carter!
Porter (Mrs. McCrea) – Porter is actively engaging in class discussions. He is polite and is always willing to help others. Great job!
McKenna (Mrs. Passey) – McKenna is a fun and happy young lady. She gets excited to share about things going on in her life and connections she makes in class. She is a good thinker and creative.
Giovanni (Mrs. Dorval) – He has worked to improve his handwriting and has shown improvement in his quality of work. Keep up the good work Gio!
Mallory (Mrs. Smith) – Mallory works hard every day! She perseveres and never gives. Mallory can laugh at her mistakes, learn from them, and grows wiser by the day!
Luis (Mrs. Matsumura) – Luis is working hard to improve in second grade. He’s a great helper in class. Luis has a super smile!
Cecilia (Mrs. Spicer) – Cecilia has worked so hard in class. She made great improvements in her reading and math skills. Keep being awesome!
Ajia (Mrs. Marbury) – She is a great students and friend. Ajia works hard on all of her assignments and always tries her best. She is a great friend and example to her classmates. Ajia is always willing to help.
Katelin (Mrs. Moore) – Katelin is such a sweet girl! she is very kind and helpful! She makes sure to try her best on everything she does! Way to go!
Sene (Mrs. Hedquist) – Sene is a hardworking student who always does his best. He is always kind to those around him and is a great example!
Yakez (MRs. Bodell) – Yakez is anew to our school, and has come in so ready and eager to learn. He has made friends quickly, and is a great addition to our school!
Amelie (Mrs. Olson) – She is a great listener who is aways on task!
Zion (Mrs. Christensen) – She is kind to other students. She always wants to help! Zion has also been working really hard and has taken responsibility for her own learning and it shows!
Grant (Mrs. Coats) – He has been a great teacher and student as he works with his partner for Math Clash of Classes.
Iain (Mr. Sorensen) – Iain is our Top Eagle this week because he is always willing to help and participate. He is eager to learn, and he asks excellent questions. He is a great example of a STEM student. Keep up the good work Iain.
Caleb (Mr. Larsen) – Caleb has been a leader in our class for Clash of Classes. He helps other and keeps the class positive.
Brandon (Mrs. Marsing) – He is new to our school and has done an amazing job making friends, working with his team, and participating in our SAGE review. He has been listening to the review lessons and paying close attention so he will/can do his very best. Way to go!