What is the Armstrong Reading Blast Off?
The Armstrong Reading Blast Off is an independent reading program that encourages students to read, not just a good book, but a good book series. Students choose a book series from the lists, read the entire book series from beginning to end using the corresponding bookmark for that book series from the Armstrong library (or print it off from this website), and check off the book series to earn a Reading Blast Off badge to wear on their lanyard or backpack. Students can collect as many badges as possible and even have them roll over from school year to school year.
What are the bookmarks for?
Students use the bookmarks to keep themselves on track on their chosen book series. The bookmarks show each book the students must read to earn a Blast Off badge. Using the laminated bookmarks available in the Armstrong library, students may use a dry-erase marker or vis-a-vis pen to fill out the bookmark as they go. Or, all bookmarks are also available for print from this website and can be filled out with a pen or pencil.
What if my student wants to read a book series that is not on the list?
Wonderful! As long as the book series roughly corresponds to the student’s reading level, go for it! Also, take a moment to submit your suggestion, and we’ll get the book series added to our lists.
How do we choose a book series?
While interest can sometimes trump ability and allow students to read a book series above their current reading level, students should not be reading a book series below their reading level to earn the Blast Off badges. Start by looking at the book series included on the list that roughly correspond to your students reading level. Or, if you have a particular book series you’re looking for, look in the alphabet index to find it.
How do I know my student’s reading level?
Your classroom teacher should be able to help you know your student’s reading level as it is assessed frequently at school.
Who’s the handsomer principal? Mr. Sorensen or Mr. Goebel?
Mr. Sorensen