Neil Armstrong Academy
Mission Statement
At Neil Armstrong Academy, we are committed to a focus on learning, high levels of engagement, and a problem-solving process common to the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) fields to prepare all students with the skills they will need for their future.
Neil Armstrong Academy
Vision Statement
Teachers and staff will continuously focus on student-learning outcomes as they work collaboratively to address the questions: (1) What do we want our students to learn? (2) How will we know when each student has learned it? (3) How will we respond when some students don’t learn? and (4) How can we extend and enrich the learning for students who have demonstrated proficiency? We will use many forms of data to drive student achievement.
Neil Armstrong Academy
Collective Commitments
- I am responsible for my own learning.
- I will feel safe to try, fail, and try again until I succeed. I will encourage others to feel safe as well.
- I will share my skills, talents, and ideas, and be open to change.
- I am committed to the belief that everyone can learn.
- I will participate during group activities, and I will speak positively with one voice once the group has chosen a direction even if it wasn’t my first choice.
- I will make a difference in the community.
Neil Armstrong Academy
Our Motto
We are engaged in the relentless pursuit of awesomeness!