We are scheduled for SEP conferences to be held February 12th and 13th this month. The window for parents to schedule their own appointment (for a time they desire) opens today, February 1, 2019. Please click the Online Scheduler link (below & left) and select Thomas W. Bacchus as the elementary school. Then click “GO”. If you have trouble or need assistance, feel free to call the office and they can assist you. We look forward to meeting with EVERY PARENT this time! Please help us meet our goal!
Flu Season
The Salt Lake County Health Department has recently seen an increase in influenza cases in area schools. In an effort to be proactive in influenza prevention and care, we are sharing this information from the Health Department.
The most effective approach to protecting your student and our staff is four-pronged:
- Vaccination: We encourage all students and staff to receive a seasonal flu vaccine every year. Vaccinated people who still become ill will have less severe symptoms for a shorter duration than those who are vaccinated and become ill.
- Hand Washing: We encourage everyone to engage in frequent, thorough hand washing. Wash hands regularly including throughout the school day, when you get home from school, after using the restroom, and before meals. Wash with soap and warm water and physically scrub for at least 20 seconds.
- Cleaning: Flu viruses are relatively fragile, so standard cleaning and disinfecting practice are sufficient to remove or kill them. Use products that remove and kill germs.
- Stay Home When Ill: We encourage parents to keep ill students home and staff to stay home from school for the duration of their illness. If there is still coughing and sneezing when they return, they should wear a mask and practice good etiquette by coughing and sneezing into a tissue or the inside of the elbow, NOT into their hands or the air.
We appreciate your efforts to minimize the germs and illnesses at school.
Mrs. Monson
Grant Awards
Bacchus has exciting news to share! Granite Credit Union in partnership with Granite Education Foundation has awarded Bacchus Elementary School a grant to fund the purchase of our “Student of the Month” recognition. We are excited to present each students with a yard sign that identifies their home as a “Proud Family of a Bacchus Elementary Student of the Month.” Our students are doing great things at Bacchus and we are proud to shout their praises.
Additionally, Granite Credit Union in partnership with Granite Education Foundation awarded Mrs. Miller and Mr. Leistiko a student listening center/books for their classrooms. This is going to help our kindergartners develop reading skills and develop a love of reading.
A HUGE THANK YOU to the Granite Credit Union and Granite Education Foundation for their generous financial support!!
Bookfair Nov. 12 – Nov. 15, 2018
Bacchus Elementary Community Council Information
Bacchus Elementary Community Council Information
Our school Community Council wants to invite you to join our monthly meetings. We meet the second Thursday of each month at 3:15 p.m. in the library. Our scheduled dates for the coming year are:
Oct. 11, 2018 Nov. 8, 2018
Dec. 13, 2018 Jan. 10, 2019
Feb. 14, 2019 March 14, 2019
April 11, 2019 May 9, 2019
School improvement is the responsibility of everyone, from students and parents to professionals and public officials. School community councils are one way we can work together to make schools more successful. A council is an advisory body. All of its actions and plans are overseen by the local school board. Some of the responsibilities of the Community Council are:
- Advocating for students
- Help develop the School Student Achievement Plan
- Select the academic needs and goals in the SSAP area in which to focus the School LAND Trust Plan including budgeting.
- Safe walking routes
For additional information on our Community Council and LAND Trust Plan, click on the “Community Council” tab above which will take you to the SCC page on the website. Once on that page, click on the green “Bacchus Elementary Community Council Information” which will link to more details.
SEP Conferences
In response to community feedback, we are returning to a more traditional parent-teacher conference format. We have appreciated the support parents have shown to our APTT nights the last couple of years and we intend to keep portions of those meetings in our new plan. We understand that parents are most concerned with how their own child is doing in school and we holpe to address that as well as what we hope parents will do at home to support their student’s learning at school.
Our conferences are being held Sept. 24th and 25th. Please contact the school if you have not received notice of an appointment or scheduled one yourself.
We look forward to seeing you this week!
A Great Start
Hello to our Dragon Community!
What a great start to the school year! We’ve had a great opening week of school. We appreciate your and your child’s patience this week as we establish strong procedures, routines, and expectations that lay the foundation for a positive school culture. This week, we:
- Began teaching the classroom expectations, procedures, and routines including procedures for entering the building in the morning, classroom entry & exit, and ending the day.
- Engaged students in conversations regarding positive culture, empathy among students, conflict resolution, ability to connect grit and positive mindset with success, and goal-setting.
- Reviewed the expectations in the student handbook.
“Consistent expectations keep students happier because it is easier to know what to do…You can set up a beautiful vision for student culture, but if you don’t practice, it will only last a week.” – Bambrick-Santoyo, Leverage Leadership
Many parents were able to attend our “Back-to-School Morning” event on Monday. We realize though that because of other commitments, not everyone could make it. Please know that we value your role as parents and encourage you to be involved in your child’s education. Some highlights from our parent meeting are:
- I am working to increase the information posted on the school website this year. It is a great place to access information including contact information for teachers and community council members, event information, PTA information, and general news about what we are doing at school.
- Our security remodel is half-way completed. This remodel was completed to increase the security of our school and all parents will need to come to the office to gain access to the school. Because of the remodel, we are without an intercom or bell system still, so please allow extra time for us to go get your student if you need to check them out during the day.
- Attendance Reminder: We follow the state Compulsory Attendance Laws.
- Parents may excuse 7 absences during the year. Once a student has 7 excused & 5 unexcused absences we enter the truancy process.
- Please notify the school when your child is absent.
- Free and Reduced lunch applications are available online and must be filled out every year. If you need assistance with the process, please visit the office. We are happy to help.
- If you are interested in serving at the School Community Council, please fill out a declaration of candidacy in the office by Sept. 11, 2018. We hold meetings monthly after school.
- Please refer to the updated behavior plan in your child’s folder or planner. We are continuing to implement our Positive Behavior Support in the classrooms. We are striving to have consistency across the school so we can help all students succeed.
- We are striving to improve our communication with parents and will contact you when we have concerns or issues we would like to discuss. We ask that you please respect our teachers and go to them if you have concerns or issues as well.
- We have 2 fundraisers planned for the year. The first one is done by the PTA and it will be the Wasatch Savings Books. Our kick-off assembly is August 28th. The school fundraiser will be the Papa Murphy’s Pizza Cards. This will take place later in the year. We appreciate all and any support you and your family can give to our fundraisers as they are a way for us to provide additional assemblies, field trips, and materials for our students.
- Our PTA is encouraging parents to join the PTA. Your membership does not require that you take charge of an event, but it does support our students. They do have openings for commissioners to serve on the board, and if you are interested in giving a little time, please contact Carlie Hahn, our PTA President. Her email is: carlie@hahnlink.com
We are excited for the year!! We encourage you to be a part of your child’s learning. You can do this by listening to your child read daily, reviewing math facts with them, and encouraging them with a positive belief in their ability to learn and do hard things! We welcome you to come and volunteer in classrooms when possible. We want to build our Bacchus community!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions. My door is always open.
Mrs. Becki Monson
We have an opening for a lunch recess playground aide. This is a great job for someone who needs a little time out of the house and/or a little extra money. The hours are 11:00 -1:00 Monday thru Friday. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more or meeting with me about the position, please feel free to contact the school.
Mrs. Monson
Bacchus PTA Needs
Hello Bacchus Elementary Parents! As we get ready for the coming school year, we want to let you know that our PTA is looking for a person to fill the treasurer position as well as welcoming ALL parents to join the PTA. We will have information available for you at registration on August 1st. Please consider donating a little of your time to help the PTA support our school. Carlie Hahn has agreed to be the President again this year, and she would love to hear from anyone that is interested in serving on the board. You are welcome to visit the PTA Facebook page for further information.
It’s time to start thinking about a new school year! Bacchus Elementary is holding registration for the 2018-19 school year on August 1, 2018. We will hold two sessions that we hope will meet everyone’s schedule.
August 1, 2018
7:00 am – 10:00 am
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Registration will be held in the gym at the school. If you are new to Bacchus, please bring proof of residency (utility bill, rental agreement, or mortgage with you name & address listed), student’s birth certificate, and immunization records with you. If you are returning to Bacchus, please bring any updated information including immunizations.
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