We just want you to be aware that the Halloween class parties and the school Halloween Parade will be on Thursday, October 27th. The Halloween Parade will be outdoors starting at 8:45. Please mark your calendar. ...
"Show Your Voice" What would you do to SHOW YOUR VOICE? you can submit dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography, and visual arts. If you need more information, go to https://www.utahpta.org/ref Reflections are due October 7th! ...
Jim Bridger Elementary PTA- Parents and Pastries
September 30thTime- 7:50-8:10 We will be serving donuts and milk or juice in front of the school. Please come to the west side of the kindergarten playground. Hope to see you there! ...
Come to the Scholastic Book Fair
"A Scholastic Book Fair is a magical and unforgettable experience where all kids can become readers. " Scholastic The Book Fair will be held after school from 4pm -6:45pm on Wednesday, Sept 21 and Thursday, Sept 22. Buy a book today! ...
SEP Conferences Sept. 21st and 22nd
SEP conferences are in-person and virtual at Bridger Elementary and will be on Wednesday, September 21st.September 22nd will be all in-person conferences. Please follow the directions below to set up an appointment with your child's teacher. Click on the Online Scheduler on the home page or go to https://pickatime.com/GraniteSD/client?event=363645 to sign up for an in-person appointment (on Wednesday, Sept. 29th) or virtual (on Thursday, ...
COVID-19 Parent Manual
Please read the COVID-19 Parent Manual. Thank you for helping us keep our students, teachers, and staff healthy and safe. https://cdn-59bd6cf5f911c923e82ee0ee.closte.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/COVID-19-Parent-Manual-Spanish.pdf https://cdn-59bd6cf5f911c923e82ee0ee.closte.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/COVID-19-Parent-Manual-.pdf ...
Coronavirus Info
Dear Granite School District Patrons and Employees, As with the NEWLY announced guidance from the Statewide Coronavirus Taskforce, Granite District will immediately implement a districtwide 2 week dismissal. Please review the entire message as it will likely answer the bulk of your questions. Additional updates will be made available on our homepage at www.graniteschools.org and on our social media channels. This is NOT a closure. These are ...
Drop Off Lane
For the safety of our students, please do not park in the drive-through zone. This space is for drop-off purposes only. You are welcome to park in our parking lot or on the street. Thank you for helping us keep our students safe! Por la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes, favor de no estacionarse en la zona de manejo. Este espacio es con el proposito de bajar a los estudiantes unicamente. Ustedes son bienvenidos a parquearse en nuestro ...