School News
SEP Conferences
SEP Conferences are September 16th and 17th. Please sign up for a time to meet with your child’s teacher. Go ...
DR will be participating in the Kearns Hometown Night and Parade this weekend
August 2nd-3rd Click here for more details ...
Spirit Night
Wondering what to make for supper tomorrow night? Stop wondering and take your family to Chick-fil-A in Jordan Landing! ...
Dual Immersion
We are lucky to have French Dual Immersion at our school. Students in the Dual Immersion program are taught half the day in French and half the day in English. They cover the same core curriculum as non-dual immersion students, however are also taught French as a second language.
Apply for Dual Immersion Program
Our Information
School PrincipalDarren Johnson
Main Office Phone385-646-4858
Main Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
School Address6034 W. Mill Valley LaneWest Valley, UT 84118