Dear patrons, We are happy to share our open enrollment policy and instructions with you for the coming year. If you have any questions please give us a call. Spanish Open Enrollment Letter to parents (002) English Open Enrollment Letter to parents (002) ...
SEP (parent conferences)
Parent Conferences will be Sept. 24th and 25th Please go to the ONLINE SCHEDULER (link found on the Hillsdale School's webpage) You can start signing up today, (Sept. 10 - Sept. 19) ...
September Newsletter
September Newsletter (002)September Newsletter 2018 Español ...
Highlights from our First Week!
Welcome back to school! We are so happy to have our students back, we missed each and every one of them over the summer. We have had a wonderful first week of school. You have probably noticed that our office is under construction so we have moved to the end of the northeast hallway. You may have also noticed that we have many new teachers at Hillsdale this year. We welcome each of them. Ms. Gomez 2nd grade DLI Ms. Johnson 3rd ...
Exciting new year!
Parents, we are working hard to get ready for the 2018-2019 school year. Students who attended last year are already registered. New students, including kindergarten students who will be 5 before September 1 need be registered before August 20. The office will be open July 30 to August 17 from 8-2 for new registration. ...
Parent Satisfaction Survey
Parent Survey Parents, We need to know how we are doing! Please take a few minutes and complete this survey. ...
AHA April Newsletter
April AHA Newsletter ...
Fun Run!
Our Fun Run was held last week. It was such a success! Our students were excited to participate both by running and by gathering donations for our school. To date we have raised nearly $8,000 shattering our old record by almost $3,000!! On Wednesday we will hold our prize assembly where hundreds of prizes that have been donated by businesses and partners in the community will be distributed. ...
AHA March Newsletter
We are happy to partner with the American Heart Association and help them educate our community about heart health. March 2018 Newsletter ...
Security Drill
We will be completing a required Lockdown with Cover safety drill this week. During this drill all exterior doors to the school will be locked and all classroom doors will be locked. Students and staff will stay out of sight. The purpose of this drill, like any other safety drill, is to practice so that students and staff know what to do when there is a direct threat to student safety on the campus. All students and staff go to the nearest ...