School Background
Magna Elementary was built in 1957.
It serves approximately 600 students, kindergarten through sixth grade.
Mission/ Vision Statement
At Magna Elementary, all students value their education and have a joy of learning. They look forward to tomorrow because they are proud of what they accomplished today. The students know how to identify their emotions and have multiple coping skills to address their needs. The school is empowering the future leaders of our diverse community with the knowledge and fortitude they need to succeed!
Magna Elementary’s Goals for 2023-2024:
All students in grades 4-6 will achieve a Median Growth Percentile (MGP) of 70 or higher as measured by summative RISE assessments in ELA, with a focus on the students identified in our TSI groups.
85% or more of students in K-3 will achieve Typical or Above Typical Pathway of Progress (POP) at the end of year (EOY) as measured by Acadience Reading, with a focus on the students identified in our TSI groups.
Social/ Emotional
By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, at least 70% of students will report that they feel like they belong at our school, with a focus on the students identified in our TSI groups.
Talent Development
100% of PLCs will meet at least once each month, prepared each meeting with agendas, student data to review, and following a data protocol for the purpose of problem solving student learning on standards, with a focus on the students identified in our TSI groups.
Computers and Technology
Magna Elementary has a school computer lab with 35 computers and each classroom is equipped with a Chromebook cart with a computer for each student. Last year we were given a 21st Century Grant that made this possible. We also have full-time certified teacher, school technology specialist, to address all computer problems along with teaching skills such as keyboarding, research, multi-media presentations, internet safety, etc as she pushes into each classroom weekly. In addition, reading, math, and language skills are included as supplemental enhancement to classes as well. Each classroom is also equipped with projection and sound systems, hooked to a teacher computer that is used daily in instruction. Students also use the STMath weekly as a tool to check for progress throughout the year. Students grades K-3. This information is used by teachers to drive classroom instruction.
Reading Instruction and Reading Specialist
Magna Elementary has a full-time reading coach. She helps with delivery of literacy instruction and assessment. Our district has adopted “Imagine It” by McGraw Hill/SRA which allows teachers to differentiate instruction according to individual student needs. We also have a school library and literacy center. Students are encouraged to read at home every day with our Ken Garff Road to Success Program. In addition, students in K – 3 have the opportunity to use Imagine Learning English, a program to help with reading and language acquisition skills
Student Promotion
Students promoted from Magna Elementary will attend Matheson Jr. High. The feeder high school for all Magna Elementary students is Cyprus High School.
Parent Participation
Parent participation is encouraged at Magna Elementary. research supports that the more involved parents are in school activities, functions, and communication, the more successful their students will be. Parents can volunteer time with the PTA. We welcome your input at Magna!
Extracurricular Programs
Programs include a school choir, physical education, safety patrol, fine arts education, and an after-school program which includes tutoring, technology, fitness, and gardening,