The focus of Title I schools is to help students achieve proficiency on core standards, closing academic gaps that may exist. These efforts include providing targeted supports to at-risk students, building teachers' capacity through professional development, and strengthening parents' abilities in helping their children succeed.
An Introduction to Title I
- Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
- For other annual Title I parent information, Granite School District's parent engagement policy, a summary of Granite School District's Annual Title I Parent Meeting, and other information, please visit the Granite School District Title I website.
Parent Compact, Policy & Rights to Know
- Parent-School Learning Compact
- School Parent Engagement Policy
- Parents' Right to Know (opens the District's Title I website)
Other School Information
Parent-School Learning Compact
Magna Elementary Parent-School Compact
Partners in Education: Bulldog students have the best chance to succeed when families and school staff work together. When our high-quality classroom instruction is combined with your support for learning, every Bulldog student will reach their full potential.
The school will…
- Hire additional teachers to reduce class size and increase individualized instruction
- Create a master schedule to provide research-based Tier I and Tier II interventions
- Hire paraprofessionals to provide targeted interventions
- Notify parents when a student is absent
Bulldog students will...
- Work hard in language arts, math, and science to become proficient on end of year testing (Grades 3-6)
- Work hard to make typical or above typical growth on their end-of-year Pathways of Progress Acadience reading goal (Grades K-6)
- Regularly update their databook with their teacher
- Come to school on time each day 90% of the time
You can help at home...
- Read with or support your child\'s daily reading
- Make reading fun!
- Point out when you use math in daily activities
- Talk with your student about their databook and check Gradebook consistently
- Ensure your child comes to school on time each day 90% of the time
Social Skills & Dispositions
The school will…
- Purchase additional social worker hours
- Purchase additional Behavioral Health Aide support hours
- Provide social and emotional lessons and support
- Provide a classroom community buildling activity every day in the classroom
- Give students the opportunity to join a school club during Fun Friday Club Time every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month
Bulldog students will…
- Demonstrate growth or maintain proficiency in one or more areas of the Graduate of Granite Characteristics
- Build relationships with staff and peers to create a safe and welcoming community
- Participate in classroom community building activities to help improve communication and work through problems
- Learn to ask for help when needed
You can help at home...
- Ask your child about their day (i.e. What did you learn? What was your favorite part?)
- Communicate with teachers and work as a team in supporting your child\'s success
- Be an active participant in school activities like parent conferences or family events
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Support (PBIS)
The school will…
- Set clear expectations for behavior and create opportunities for practice
- Give out Dog Pound tickets to reinforce positive behaviors
- Provide a Dog Pound store for students to exchange tickets for prizes
- Provide Glow Dog parties to reinforce positive school wide behaviors
Bulldog students will...
- Earn tickets for displaying positive behaviors
- Use tickets to shop at the Dog Pound store
- Work collaboratively as a class to earn classroom treats and parties
- Show integrity by doing their own work
You can help at home...
- Ask your child about their Dog Pound tickets and class parties
- Review the Magna Manners (Care about: self, others, learning, property/environment)
- Point out when they are using their Magna Manners at home
- Clarifying the appropriate level of assistance on assignments with teachers
Padres de Magna Elementary Pacto
Socios en la educación: los estudiantes de Bulldog tienen la mejor oportunidad de tener éxito cuando las familias y el personal escolar trabajan juntos. Cuando nuestra instrucción en el aula de alta calidad se combina con su apoyo para el aprendizaje, cada estudiante de Bulldog alcanzará su máximo potencial.
La escuela...
- Contratará maestros adicionales para reducir el tamaño de la clase y aumentar la instrucción individualizada
- Creará un horario maestro para proporcionar intervenciones de Nivel I y Nivel II basadas en investigaciones
- Contratará paraprofesionales para proporcionar intervenciones específicas
- Notificará a los padres cuando un estudiante esté ausente
estudiantes de Bulldog...
- Trabajarán duro en artes del lenguaje, matemáticas y ciencias para llegar a ser competente en las pruebas de fin de año (Grados 3-6)
- Trabajar duro para lograr un crecimiento típico o por encima del típico en su meta de lectura Pathways of Progress Acadience de fin de año (Grados K-6 )
- Actualizar regularmente su libro de datos con su maestro
- Llegar a la escuela a tiempo todos los días el 90% del tiempo
Usted puede ayudar en casa...
- Lea con o apoye la lectura diaria de su hijo
- ¡Haga que la lectura sea divertida!
- Señale cuándo usa las matemáticas en las actividades diarias
- Hable con su estudiante sobre su libro de datos y verifique el Libro de calificaciones constantemente
- Asegúrese de que su hijo llegue a la escuela a tiempo todos los días el 90% del tiempo
Habilidades sociales y disposiciones
La escuela...
- Comprará horas adicionales de trabajadores sociales Comprará horas
- adicionales Horas de apoyo del asistente de salud conductual
- Brindar lecciones y apoyo social y emocional
- Brindar una actividad de desarrollo comunitario en el aula todos los días en el aula Brindar a los
- estudiantes la oportunidad de unirse a un club escolar durante Fun Friday Club Time cada primer y tercer viernes del mes
estudiantes Bulldog...
- Demostrar crecer o mantener el dominio en una o más áreas de las características del Graduado de Granito
- Construir relaciones con el personal y los compañeros para crear una comunidad segura y acogedora
- Participar en actividades de desarrollo comunitario en el aula para ayudar a mejorar la comunicación y resolver problemas
- Aprender a pedir ayuda cuando sea necesario
Usted puede ayudar en casa...
- Pregúntele a su hijo sobre su día (es decir, ¿qué aprendió? ¿Cuál fue su parte favorita?)
- Comuníquese con los maestros y trabaje en equipo para apoyar el éxito de su hijo
- Sea un participante activo en actividades escolares como conferencias con los padres o eventos familiares
Intervenciones de comportamiento positivo y Apoyo (PBIS)
La escuela:
- Establecerá expectativas claras para el comportamiento y creará oportunidades para la práctica
- Repartirá boletos Dog Pound para reforzar comportamientos positivos
- Proporcionará una tienda Dog Pound para que los estudiantes intercambien boletos por premios
- Proveerá fiestas Glow Dog para reforzar comportamientos positivos en toda la escuela
Bulldog los estudiantes...
- Ganarán boletos por mostrar comportamientos positivos Usarán
- boletos para comprar en la tienda Dog Pound
- Trabajarán en colaboración como clase para ganar golosinas y fiestas en
- integridad haciendo su propio trabajo
Usted puede ayudar en casa...
- Pregúntele a su hijo sobre sus boletos Dog Pound y fiestas de clase
- . Revisar Magna Manners (Preocuparse por: uno mismo, los demás, el aprendizaje, la propiedad/el medio ambiente)
- Señalar cuándo están usando sus Magna Manners en casa
- Clarificar el nivel apropiado de asistencia en las tareas con los maestros
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Parent Engagement Policy
Magna Elementary
Parent & Family Engagement Policy 2023-2024
All schools receiving Title I funds are required under section 1116 of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to develop a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy. This policy, developed jointly with parents, describes how the school will carry out meaningful parent and family engagement.
Parents and family members are involved in the development of the school parent and family engagement policy. At Magna Elementary, we involve our stakeholders by reviewing data, setting school goals, and looking at school-wide needs during School Community Council meetings, and Parent Engagement meetings.
Annual Meeting
An annual meeting is held each year in the Winter. At this meeting, information is shared with stakeholders that consists of an explanation of Title I, how funds are allocated, student performance in literacy and math, intervention and enrichment opportunities for students, and ways that stakeholders engage with the school. You may find information about our annual meeting in the following link: Title 1 Information
Flexible Meetings
We offer flexible meeting times for parents and families to participate in decisions regarding their child.
Involve Parents
We collect data from stakeholder input surveys, input from SCC and PTA meetings. Once data is collected, we review the data and assess needs. We partner with parents in using this information to create a plan as to how we involve parents.
The Magna Elementary School Parent Family Compact outlines shared responsibilities for high student academic achievement and is developed jointly with parents, teachers, administrators, and students. Our school’s Parent Family Compact, translated into multiple languages, can be viewed by scrolling to the top of this page.
To improve academic achievement and to ensure effective involvement of parents, Magna Elementary School will:
- Share with parents reports that measure students’ performance relative to grade-level standards, explain ways parents can monitor their student’s academic success, and have parent teacher conferences. Magna Elementary also hosts multiple parent engagement events where you will learn ways to support the academic achievement of your student.
- Provide materials and/or training for parents to work with their child to improve their child’s achievement such as literacy and using technology.
- Provide professional development for administrators, teachers, and instructional support personnel on the value of parents as equal partners and building ties between parents and the school.
- Coordinate parent involvement programs and activities with other Federal, State, and local programs that encourage and support parents in more fully participating in the education of their children.
To the extent practicable, Magna Elementary School will ensure that information for parents and family members (including parents and family members who have limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children) is in a language that they can understand.
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School Annual Title I Meeting
Parent input is valued. Each year, a parent meeting is held where our school solicits input in the planning and implementation of school parent engagement activities.
Date: December 21, 2023
Time: 10:00 a.m.
- A brief overview of Title 1 was given.
- An outline of how Magna Elementary participates in Title 1 programming was given.
- We reviewed the Magna Parent Engagement Policy and parents had the opportunity to give input on this policy.
- We went through an overview of our Parent-School Learning Compact.
- Parents were notified of their right to be involved.
- Parents were also notified of other rights.
School Title I Goals
Each year, our school conducts a needs assessment, reviews student performance data, and solicits input from various stakeholders in order to develop a meaningful Title I Plan. This plan is data-driven, evidence-based, and responsive to findings from data reviews, needs assessment findings, and stakeholder input. The school comprehensive Title I plan articulates how evidence-based strategies, action steps and milestones will support the goals listed below.
Goal One
- By the end of the 2023-2024 school year, at least 70% of students will reach typical or above typical growth on their end-of-year Pathways of Progress Acadience reading assessment.
Goal Two
- 25% of students in each 3rd-6th grade class will be proficient on the 2024 RISE ELA, and Math assessments. 25% of students in each 4th-6th grade class will be proficient 0n the 2024 RISE Science assessment.
Goal Three
Social Skills and Dispositions:
- At the end of the 2023-2024 school year, at least 80% of students will have demonstrated growth or maintained proficiency in one or more areas of the Graduate of Granite Characteristics as evidenced by their Graduate of Granite Characteristics proficiency scores on each quarterly report card.
Sanctioned Status
Magna Elementary
8500 W 3100 S Magna, UT 84044
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We are writing to let you know that Magna Elementary School has been designated as a Additional Targeted Support and Improvement school for Students with Disabilities, Economically Disadvantaged Students, and Hispanic Student Groups. This designation means that these student populations score among the lowest-performing five percent in Utah’s Title I schools in academic performance and growth.
The program improvement designation provides an opportunity for principals, teachers, and parents to focus on areas of school improvement. The Granite School District and the Utah State Board of Education are working with our school to improve teaching and learning, especially in the areas of reading and mathematics by providing technical assistance and professional development opportunities to the teachers and administrators within our school.
Magna Elementary School is working to improve its academic program by undergoing a rigorous school improvement effort led by a school system of support team. We are participating in a 3-year program to improve our teaching for Multi-Language Learners, and we are recruiting the help of peer tutors from Cyprus High School in each of our classrooms to support all of our students, but specifically our Students with Disabilities and our Pacific Islander Students. However, parent support is essential to the success of the school improvement efforts.
Parents can effectively assist student achievement improvement in the following ways:
• Communicating frequently with your student’s teachers
• Making sure your student attends school regularly
• Helping your student with homework
• Monitoring your student’s screen time
• Reading aloud to your student
• Volunteering in the classroom
• Participating in school decision-making
We want to request your help as the school addresses its academic needs and will invite parents to serve on the committee that will develop a school improvement plan.
Rich K. Nye, Ph.D., Superintendent
Aaron R. Wilson, Ed.D., Title I Director
Benjamin Peters, Principal
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