Redwood Elementary School-Wide Discipline Plan
District School Wide Behavior Plan
(click the link above to view Redwood’s behavior plan)
Be Respectful
Be Safe
Be Kind
Minor Misbehaviors: Handled by teacher
- Minor inappropriate physical contact
- Throwing paper
- Mistreating property
- Off task
- Bringing toys to school
- Coming in late from recess
- Side talking
- Unprepared
- Running in school
- Teasing others
- Arguing with peers
- Talking out
- Inappropriate language
Sit Away or Think Time Offenses: Handled by teacher
- Spitting/inappropriate contact of bodily fluids
- Throwing rocks/snowballs
- Participating in inappropriate contact (tackling, pushing, tripping, play fighting)
- Defiance towards an adult
- Lying
- Backbiting, name calling, gossip
- Cheating
Office Referral: Refer to Administrator
- Bullying
- Sexual harassment
- Racial harassment
- Physical or verbal threats
- Bringing weapons, using items as weapons
- Bringing or using illegal substances
- Vandalizing
- Showing severe defiance or assaulting adults
- Stealing
- Fighting (causing bodily harm to another student)
School-wide Bully Prevention Plan
How do your school-wide expectations/rules relate to teaching bully prevention? (e.g., Respect, Kindness, Thoughtful)
- “KYHFOOTY” addresses physical respect and “Be Kind” addresses the social skills to promote bully prevention.
How do you incorporate bully prevention in teaching your school-wide expectations to students and staff? (Include student leadership involvement.) Examples:
- School Branding: slogans, pledges, logos, etc.
- Reward and recognition programs for demonstrations of positive behavior and students who perpetuate it
- Behavior Matrix includes specific pro-social behaviors
- Video lessons or PowerPoints used for teaching behavior expectations
- Creating a campaign using student body officers or creating student leadership positions for the express purpose of improving school climate and culture
- Data collection on student behavior tracking both positive and negative student behaviors (student driven data collection in secondary schools)
School-wide involvement: *banners have expectations listed and procedures are taught school wide *school wide recognition programs *Buddy benches on playground
Student involvement:
- After School academic tutoring
- YMCA after school program
- Safety Patrol
Community involvement:
- Community boxes (like the buddy boxes of the past, but in every classroom for both positive and negative reports)
- Monthly parent meetings (School Community Council)
- Plan put on school website
Which curriculum do you use to explicitly teach bully prevention to all students and staff? When is this taught (timeline)?
- Don’t Stand By, Be An Ally Curriculum (Bystander Training)
- Stop, Walk and Talk Training (Creation of a conflict resolution protocol that includes specific language and gestures)
- Social/Emotional Curriculum
- Social Media Safety Awareness lessons
- D.A.R.E. Lessons delivered by West Valley City Police Department
Curriculum Timeline
- Don’t Stand By, Be an Ally
- Stop, Walk, and Talk
- Mind up SEL
- Safe UT app
What are the procedures for addressing the following behaviors? Include the standard interventions and consequences in your school for each behavior.
Procedures Documentation Interventions Rewards/ Consequences
Bullying Teacher or student reports to office. Investigation is done and consequences issued. If other resources (Social Worker, etc) need to be involved, Administrator will coordinate with SST. Educator Handbook and Discovery Student support form filled out Administrator meets with student or students Parent contact Offering of counselling services Referral to conduct class Restorative Justice Mentor Loss of Privilege Suspension Administrator/Parent/Student meeting Safe school referral
Bullying with an aggravating component such as derogatory remarks based on sex, sexual preference, or race (all civil rights protected classes) Teacher or student reports to office. Investigation is done and consequences issued. If other resources (Social Worker, etc) need to be involved, Administrator will coordinate with SST. Possible referral to Law Enforcement. Educator Handbook and Discovery Student support form filled out Check list from Doug Larson’s office Administrator meets with student or students Parent contact Offering of counselling services Referral to conduct class Restorative Justice Mentor Loss of Privilege Suspension Administrator/Parent/Student meeting Safe school referral
Cyber-bullying Teacher or student reports to office. Investigation is done and consequences issued. If other resources (Social Worker, etc) need to be involved, Administrator will coordinate with SST. Educator Handbook and Discovery Student support form filled out Administrator meets with student or students Parent contact Offering of counselling services Referral to conduct class Restorative Justice Mentor Loss of Privilege Suspension Administrator/Parent/Student meeting Safe school referral
Hazing/ Harassment Teacher or student reports to office. Investigation is done and consequences issued. If other resources (Social Worker, etc) need to be involved, Administrator will coordinate with SST. Possible referral to Law Enforcement. Educator Handbook and Discovery Student support form filled out Administrator meets with student or students Parent contact Offering of counselling services Referral to conduct class Restorative Justice Mentor Loss of Privilege Suspension Administrator/Parent/Student meeting Safe school referral Mutual Altercation Teacher or student reports to office. Investigation is done and consequences issued. If other resources (Social Worker, etc) need to be involved, Administrator will coordinate with SST. Possible referral to Law Enforcement. Educator Handbook and Discovery Student support form filled out Administrator meets with student or students Parent contact Offering of counselling services Referral to conduct class Restorative Justice Mentor Loss of Privilege Suspension Administrator/Parent/Student meeting Safe school referral
Verbal aggression using “fighting words” Teacher or student reports to office. Investigation is done and consequences issued. If other resources (Social Worker, etc) need to be involved, Administrator will coordinate with SST. Educator Handbook and Discovery Student support form filled out Administrator/Social worker meets with student or students Parent contact Loss of Privilege
Retaliation Teacher or student reports to office. Investigation is done and consequences issued. If other resources (Social Worker, etc) need to be involved, Administrator will coordinate with SST. Possible referral to Law Enforcement. Educator Handbook and Discovery Student support form filled out Administrator meets with student or students Parent contact Offering of counselling services Referral to conduct class Restorative Justice Mentor Loss of Privilege Suspension Administrator/Parent/Student meeting
What are the procedures for providing support to targeted students? (List all possible options ie: break card, structured recess, contracts, BIP’s, SW/Psych etc.)
Procedures (i.e. student support form) Interventions/ ongoing support
Victims Student support form Referral to SST Parent contact Social Worker/Psych involvement Information about outside services calm room breaks, structured recess, and meetings with Social Workers/Psych.
Perpetrator Student support form Referral to SST Parent contact Social Worker/Psych involvement Information about outside services Structured recess Loss of privileges Check in/Check out Contract BIP Referral to SST. We also practice restorative justice school-wide.
What is your procedure for addressing suicidal ideation?
Teacher contacts Administrator or Social Worker. Student Support form is filled out. Parents are contacted. A safety plan is built.
Describe your school’s reporting system if administrators, teachers, or staff encounter bullying and/or threats of suicide.
Adults will report to Social Worker or Administrator any bullying and or threats of suicide by email or in person immediately.
How do students, parents, or other patrons report bullying or threats of suicide or other antisocial behaviors? How are these reporting channels communicated clearly to parents? How does your school respond to those reports? (i.e. SafeUT app, email, staff phone call etc.)
Safe UT app or a trusted adults can receive these reports. If there is information that needs to be communicated to the community, teachers or admin will use Class Dojo or Blackboard messages via phone or email.
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