Due to a change in district policy, “personal electronic devices, including cell phones and smartwatches, will not be permitted during the school day.” There is a phone in the classrooms and the office for student use in case of emergencies or when teacher permission is given. Students with electronic devices will be referred to the front office so that we are able to hold the device safely until a parent is able to retrieve it. If a student brings these items to school, they must be put away for the duration of the school day and be out of sight and unheard. The following rules apply:
- The phone/smartwatch must be turned off and put away during the school day: 9:00 a.m. -3:45 p.m. and on buses.
- The phone/smartwatch must be kept out of sight and unheard in a pocket or a bag.
- In the event a phone or smartwatch is visible (even if it is not being used), students will be referred to the front office.
- Students may not make calls from their cell phones/smartwatches during the school day. All emergency phone calls must be made using school phones. Student safety is one of our top priorities, and use of school phones for emergencies gives us the opportunity to become aware of the situation in order to assist and respond as necessary.
- Students bring devices at their own risk. We are unable to monitor student devices at school and are unable to accept responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged electronic devices.
We appreciate everyone’s help in the implementation of this new policy. As we reduce electronic devices in the school, we are excited to see more engagement in learning and in social interactions between students. Our goal is always to create the best learning environment possible at South Kearns Elementary.