We have several concerns with the safety of our students who walk to and from school each day. The crossing guards are diligent in their jobs, but we need all of us to also be diligent in helping keep our kids safe and modeling safe procedures. Please drive slowly, follow the crossing guards instructions, and remind your children of the safe walking rules. Next week is the PTA sponsored Green Ribbon Safety week. We are asking all parents to help students use the safety rules they have been taught. Every year we have at least one student get hit by a car while darting across the road or drive through outside a designated crosswalk. Many of our students are short and not seen while they stand between parked cars – thus taking drivers by surprise when they “appear out of nowhere.” We have worked very hard to encourage all students to only cross at crosswalks- please, for their safety, don’t encourage them to do otherwise. It may take a few extra steps, but our kids are worth every step.