Academy Park will have grade appropriate summer work packets available for students to complete over the summer. Those students who complete and return these packets will have a reward activity in the Fall. If you are interested in receiving one of these packets, please send a note to the office requesting the packet, your child’s name and teacher, and signed by a parent. (Please send a separate note—not one written in the planner.) These notes will help us track those who are taking packets. We hope this will be a valuable asset for those who are looking for a way to help their student stay current on some of the school concepts.
We will also be offering a three week summer jumpstart program during the month of July, by invitation only. This program will be offered to those who have indicated on their end of year tests are in need of additional instruction to catch up for the upcoming year. If you receive one of these notes, please take advantage of the opportunity to help your child gain some additional instruction.