Please support our school fundraiser by sharing the link to a very simple survey with all your friends and family. For every survey filled out completely, our school will earn $5. It’s that easy. Your student will be bringing home the link on Monday Sept 21st. You can post it on Facebook, send it in emails or texts to friends and family anywhere in the U.S. This is a safe and easy way to help our school. NO MONEY, NO PRODUCTS. You just need to be willing to allow 3 businesses to contact you about possible services you might be interested in purchasing. There is NO OBLIGATION to buy anything and your information will NOT be shared with outside entities. PLEASE HELP US EARN $5000 to purchase new technology for our school.
We are so glad to have Title 1 funding this year to help us help your children succeed. Our goal is to have more and more students scoring proficient on end of year testing each year. Please go to the following website to learn more about how our school did last year compared to other schools around the state.
We had almost 2 dozen parents attend this week. Our numbers are growing. Spread the word that Tuesday Teacher Talk Time is a great time to visit your child’s classroom!