CHECKS FOR LUNCH MONEY—When writing checks for lunch money for your children, please make your check out to Academy Park Elementary NOT Granite Nutrition Services. There was an error on a paper that came home at the beginning of the year. Thanks.
BLOCKING DRIVEWAYS—Please don’t! Our neighbors around the school need to be able to get in and out of their driveways. Let’s all work together to follow the rules of the road when dropping off and picking up children.
HALLOWEEN—Thank you for participating in our Halloween activities this week, including the parade and Title 1 meeting. We loved seeing so many families participate in these events at our school. Please remember to join our PTA and consider volunteering at the school. Our Community Council needs more parent members as well.
DROP OFF AND PICK UP—We are noticing a number of vehicles going too fast in the drive through zone. Please drive slowly in the school drop off and pick up zones. Safety first!
REPORT CARDS—You should have a hard copy of your child’s report card by now. They were sent home with children today. We are pleased with how many students are achieving proficiency on the standards of the grade level. If you child is not yet achieving proficiency in either mathematics or reading, there are many things you can do to assist. Take a look at the Skyhawk parent resources on our website under the “Our School” tab—specifically look at information about dyad reading and ST Math.
Thank you for using our website to find other important information and events. Happy November!