Welcome to our school's Community Council. Our purpose is to address the academic needs of students at the local level by evaluating and providing opportunities and programs for their benefit. Community Councils play a very significant role in improving student achievement in each local school. By sharing their unique perspectives and expertise, parents, teachers, and administrators have a wonderful opportunity to address the critical academic needs of the school. The charge to analyze data, identify needs, set goals, and align resources—and then report back on progress– establishes Community Councils as providing front-line accountability to our school communities. Members of the Community Council usually serve for a term of two years. Positions are staggered to provide some openings each year. Candidates submit a form in August, and elections are held when multiple candidates are seeking the same position. These elections take place in early September. Thank you to the Armstrong Community Council for working together to support ALL students learning at the highest levels. Community members are invited to attend council meetings, but do not hold influence over council discussion points or decisions. If you have a concern for your Community Council, please reach out before-hand to one of the council members. We provide a ZOOM option for those who wish to attend virtually. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 834 6654 5593 Council Members are chosen by election and are a mixture of school staff and community members. Candidacy and election procedures begin before each school year. Invitation to serve on the council: We warmly invite parents to serve on our school's community council. Information about council vacancies, declarations of candidacy forms, and elections are emailed sent out in August of each year.
Contact information for council members can be requested by contacting the School's Principal.
Serving on the Community Council allows parents to directly influence the way LAND Trust funds are used during the school year, which can include programs, materials, and other education-based solutions. Please visit this LAND Trust Public Report page to see the dollar amount our school receives each year from the School LAND Trust program, our school's final reports from the last two years, and a copy of our school's current LAND Trust plan. The actual, current, and expected funding history for each school can be found online using the LAND Trust Funding Report. School Community Council Handbook Teacher and Student Success Plan / Continual Improvement Plan Elections are not in progress at this time. We only keep minutes for the current school year and the previous 3 school years. If you need older minutes, please reach out to a council member, and we'll do our best to accommodate you.
Table of Contents
Meeting Schedule and Agenda
Council Members
You can also send a message to any council member in care of a message sent to the School's Principal.
Contact Council Member
LAND Trust
Rules of Order and Procedure
School Community Council Handbook
Teacher and Student Success Plan / Continual Improvement Plan
Council Elections
Meeting Archives
Amanda HadleyParent Member
Aimee WarrenCouncil Chair
Angela KeddingtonVice Chair
Amber TalbotParent Member
Christine BreezeParent Member
Elizabeth KunzTeacher Member
Jennifer SpicerTeacher Member
John Paul SorensenPrincipal