Our kindergarten classes will be dismissed at 12:30 on August 14th and 15th.
Welcome Back!!
We are excited to welcome our Thunderbirds back on Wednesday, August 14th at 8:10 a.m. We invite you to stay and attend a brief parent /guardian meeting at 8:30 a.m. that day as well.
Sick Child
Below you will find guidelines on when a child should stay home sick from school and when it’s okay to stay at school.
Cyprus Network Activity
We invite you to join us for a fun and informational night on November 30th from 5:30-7:00 p.m. at Magna Elementary.
School Picture Day is Tuesday, September 26th.
Panorama Survey
Panorama Survey
Dear Copper Hills Elementary Families,
Students are important partners in our efforts to improve our communication, academic program and overall educational experience. In order to learn more about what our students need in order to thrive, we will be asking for your child’s feedback via an online survey given three times a year that will be completed at our school. Your students’ feedback will provide valuable insight into their experiences and help our district adapt to meet their needs.
The survey will ask students to self-reflect on their social skills, dispositions, and emotions, as well as the support that they receive in and outside of the classroom. You can preview the survey content by visiting our school website, Copper Hills Elementary social media, and your email:
- Skills and Dispositions: Grades 3-5
- Skills and Dispositions: Grades 6-12
- Supports and Environment: Grades 3-5
- Supports and Environment: Grades 6-12
The survey will take no more than one class period to complete. If a student doesn’t feel like they have enough information to answer a question, or doesn’t wish to answer, they will be able to skip the item altogether. Educators who work with your child will be able to see their self-reported areas of strength and areas for growth. We are partnering with a third-party vendor to support us in administering these surveys.
If you do not want your child to participate, please notify the school by September 6, 2023. We thank you in advance. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 385-646-4792.
Mrs. Sarah Fairclough
Assistant Principal
Encuesta panorama
Estimado Familias de Copper Hills Elementary,
Los estudiantes son socios importantes en nuestros esfuerzos por mejorar nuestra comunicación, programa académico y experiencia educativa en general. Para obtener más información sobre lo que nuestros estudiantes necesitan para prosperar, le pediremos los comentarios de su hijo a través de una encuesta en línea que se completará en la escuela. Los comentarios de nuestros estudiantes proporcionarán información valiosa sobre sus experiencias y ayudarán a nuestro distrito a adaptarse a las necesidades actuales.
La encuesta les pedirá a los estudiantes que reflexionen sobre sus habilidades sociales, disposiciones y emociones, así como el apoyo que reciben dentro y fuera del aula. Puede obtener una vista previa del contenido de la encuesta visitando el sitio web de nuestra escuela, las redes sociales de Copper Hills Elementary y su correo electrónico:
Habilidades y disposiciones: Grados 3-5
Habilidades y disposiciones: Grados 6-12
Soportes y medio ambiente: Grados 3-5
Soportes y medio ambiente: Grados 6-12
La encuesta no tomará más de un período de clase para completarse. Si un estudiante no siente que tiene suficiente información para responder una pregunta, o no desea responder, podrá omitir el elemento por completo. Los educadores que trabajan con su hijo podrán ver sus áreas de fortaleza autoinformadas y áreas de crecimiento. Nos estamos asociando con un proveedor externo para que nos apoye en la administración de estas encuestas.
Si no desea que su hijo participe, debe notificar a la escuela antes 6 de septiembre. Le agradecemos de antemano. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la administración de la encuesta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros en 385-646-4792.
Sra. Sarah Fairclough
1st Day Of School
The first day of school for grades 1st-6th is Wednesday, August 16th. Free breakfast is served in the cafeteria from 7:45-8:10 a.m. The first bell rings at 8:10 with a tardy bell at 8:15. The first day of Kindergarten will be on Monday, August 21st.
Hello Copper Hills Community! We hope you have enjoyed your summer. We have updated registration and office information for you. Please read the below.
Granite School District has a new online registration system called Focus. You will find information on the new system below. The office will be open from 8:30 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Online Registration will begin August 1st, 2023. You must have a parent portal in order to register.
For instructions on creating a parent portal, click here. For instructions on registration, click here.
When filling out your registration, please pay attention to details such as contact information and emergency contacts, as that will affect who gets notifications and who will be able to check your student in and out of school.
If you have a brand new student, please bring them in person, along with a birth certificate, parent identification, vaccination records, and proof of address, such as a utility bill.
We look forward to welcoming your students back very soon!
Please call with any questions: 385-646-4792
Summer Information
June Summer Hours: 9-3
July Summer Hours: By appointment only
Contact Information: Tracy Rose at 385-646-4794 or tdrose@graniteschools.org
Salt Lake County Summer Programming: 8/5 – 7/13 by invite only, call or text Maggie Despain at 385-235-1134
Registration: Online or support provided on August 7th and 8th from 8-3 in the main office
Inclement Weather Information
It’s that time of the year! There will be days where we determine it would be best for students to be inside either before school begins or during recess times based on extreme conditions like below freezing temperatures, heavy rain/snowfall or poor air quality. Please help your student dress appropriately for the weather each day. If you are in need of assistance, reach out to our social worker, Bronson Black.
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