School background
Rosecrest Elementary is located in the east foothill area of Granite School District. It was built in 1960 to serve the growing Mill Creek area. The school boundaries are: 2780 South to 3300 South and Highland Drive to 2700 East. It can only be reached from 2300 East on 3000 South or Fisher Lane.
Rosecrest Elementary serves approximately 300 students from Kindergarten through fifth grade. Approximately 89% are Caucasian, 5% are Hispanic, 2% are Asian, and 2% are African American.
Computers and Technology
Our classrooms are equipped with up to date technology including document cameras, smart boards and a Chromebook for every students. We also have a traveling laptop cart that students can print from and Ipads to check out for presentation projects.
Student promotion
Students promoted from this school will attend: Evergreen Junior High and Olympus High School.