School Background
Stansbury Elementary is located in the west-central area of Granite School District. It was built in 1964 to serve the growing population of West Valley City. It serves a diverse socioeconomic community. All students live within 1.5 miles and are able to walk to school.
Stansbury Elementary serves approximately 600 students from Pre-School to sixth grade. Approximately 64% are Hispanic, 21% are Caucasian, 8% are Pacific Islander, 4% are African American, 1% are American Indian and 1% are Asian.
Computers and Technology
Stansbury Elementary is a one-to-one school. Each classroom is equipped with a mobile Chromebook carts each containing 20 to 30 Chromebooks. Every classroom is enhanced with a projector, sound system, interactive whiteboard and document camera, placing the resources and power of the internet and technology conveniently in the hands of teachers and students.
Students use the Acadience Reading and Math program to test in the areas of both Language and Math to monitor their learning achievement. End of Year assessment is done via the state tool of RISE. Students who are acquiring English as a second language use the Imagine Learning program to assist them.
Student Services
Stansbury has social workers and a psychologist available to serve our students and their needs. We also have a Mindfulness Room where students can take breaks when needed.
Student Promotion
Students attend West Lake Junior High and Granger High School.
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