This is our second year doing the WOW! Attendance program and we are seeing quite of success in getting students on time and to school. We apprecaite you parents for being a part of that.
Last year, we had classes get a word and for every student that was in their seat with all students accounted for, they would color in a letter for that word. Each time a word was colored in, they received a class prize and treat.
This year, we are tracking each class who has the best attendance and the fewest tardies each month. That gives classes a chance to participate and start over if a friend was out sick for a while. Time has gotten away, and we have not shared the winners over the last couple of months.
We would like to congratulate:
In September: Winners received rootbeer floats or candy
Least number of absences: Mrs. Peoples
Least number of tardies: Mrs. Draney, Ms. Jeppson, and Mrs. Peoples
In October: Winners received orange floats of cupcakes
Least number of absences: Mr. Hilder
Least number of tardies: Mr. Hilder and Ms. Madsen
In November: Winners received popcorn or chocolate chip cookies
Least number of absences: Ms. Madsen
Least number of tardies: Ms. Holland
Congratulations students.