Whittier Elementary
Rules, Policies and Procedures 2022-2023
Welcome to Whittier STEAM! This manual is designed to acquaint parents and students with our school policy and procedures. We hope you use this manual throughout the year. Please read the information provided and discuss these issues and ideas with your children.
Accidents and Illness
Students involved in minor accidents such as skinned knees and scrapes will be cared for by the school staff. If there is any question regarding the seriousness of an injury, parents will be called.
If it is necessary for a child to be sent home because of an accident or illness, you (the parent/guardian) will be notified to come and get the child. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the person designated for emergencies will be notified. If none of the designated people can be contacted, the principal or the principal designee will decide what to do and may – depending on the situation – call for medical assistance. It is vital that the school be provided with up-to-date residence, work, and emergency phone numbers.
Americans Disability Act (ADA)
The ADA allows for reasonable accommodations to be made in order for a person with a disability to receive an appropriate education. If you suspect your child may have a disability, please contact the principal. The Student Services Team will meet to evaluate and determine what action or accommodation, if any, is appropriate.
Attendance and Absences
The Utah Compulsory Attendance Laws require all school age children to be in school. Parents may excuse up to 7 days per school year. In order for an absence to be excused beyond that point, documentation must be provided to verify doctor or dental visit, funeral or family emergency.
Please plan your vacations for times other than school days wherever possible. If you must take a vacation during school days, please see the office to determine how to provide the needed documentation. Please also make arrangements ahead of time with the teacher to obtain homework/assignments for the time your child will be missing.
If it is necessary for your child to be absent from school, please call the school at 385-646-5096. For your child’s safety, if we do not hear from you, the office will try to contact you. When your child returns to school, please send a note to the office and/or teacher.
Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters, and Roller Blades
Due to the number of people on the school grounds, bikes, skateboards and scooters must be walked/picked up once a child enters school grounds. Students bringing bikes and scooters must have a bike lock and must secure the bike or scooter to the bike rack during school hours. Skateboards, blades, and shoes with roller wheels (heelies) may be brought to school but must not be used on school property before, during, and after school hours. Skateboards, blades, and heelies must be in a student’s backpack or they will be confiscated by an adult and will only be given back to a parent/guardian.
Caution: The school cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage to any items brought from home, or accidents resulting from students not following these procedures.
If you would like to send a simple treat for your child’s birthday, please contact the teacher to make prior arrangements. Remember that State Health Policy prohibits distributing food items that are not commercially prepared and packaged. All treats must be commercially prepared or prepared by someone with a valid food worker’s permit. We ask that parties and other activities which disrupt learning be held after school.
Building Hours
Supervision before school:
Supervision is provided on the north playground area beginning at 8:45 am. At the school’s discretion on extremely cold or wet days, students will be supervised in the gym. On those days, supervision will be provided inside the gym, but will not be provided on the playground or in other parts of the building. Students may not be in other parts of the building prior to the warning bell at 9:00 am. To prevent bullying and other problems, the administration recommends that you do not allow your child to arrive at school any earlier than 10 minutes before start time, unless s/he is eating breakfast. Breakfast is served from 8:25 – 8:50 am in the lunchroom.
Computer Use
Internet access is available, under teacher supervision, throughout the school. Before students are allowed Internet access, an Acceptable Use Policy Form must be signed and recorded at the school. Students who misuse their internet privileges and go to inappropriate sites intentionally, or unintentionally, without immediately notifying the teacher, may have all computer privileges revoked and additional consequences may occur. Cyberbullying in any form will NOT be tolerated.
The students and staff are expected to treat others with dignity and respect. We expect all students to be safe, responsible, and respectful and help us create that kind of environment for all of our students.
Appropriate behaviors are expected at all school activities. Disruptions and abusive behaviors will not be allowed. Parent/guardian help and support will be requested for instances where behaviors violate the school code of conduct.
School Code of Conduct:
- STAY SAFE – K.Y. H. F.O.O.T.Y (Kie-foo-tee) – Keep Your Hands, Feet and Other Objects To Yourself.
- ON TIME/ON TASK – Students will be on time and will do what they are asked to do as they participate in learning activities.
- ALWAYS FOLLOW DIRECTIONS – Students will follow all district, school, and classroom rules and procedures as outlined by the Board of Education, school administration, and teacher. These procedures are located in the first day packet.
- RESPECTFUL – (No Bullying) – Students will always show respect for themselves, other students, all adults, and the property of others by exhibiting appropriate language and behavior that will foster a pleasant and safe environment for everyone.
- Improved Self-Esteem
- Awards and Certificates
- Incentive Activities
- Assemblies
- Extended Recess
- Special Privileges
- Greater Freedom
- More Positive Experiences
- Respect for Other Students
- Respect for Teacher
- Respect for Parents
- Verbal Warning. If the behavior continues after the verbal warning, the teacher will…
- Reteach. The teacher will review the rule broken with the student and have the student reflect on how they can positively change things around.
- Reteach. The teacher will review the rule broken with the student and have the student reflect on how they can positively change things around. If the behavior continues after three warnings, the student will be issued a…
- Think Time. The student will be given a reflection form and will go to a prearranged classroom for 15 minutes (grades K-3) or 30 minutes (grades 4-6). The student will bring home a Think Time Form to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned the following day.
- An Administrative Think Time will also be given for more serious infractions and entered as an Office Referral.
- If a student has three or more Think Time infractions in one month, a conference will be scheduled with the student, parent, and school representative to discuss a plan to help correct the inappropriate behavior.
Serious behaviors that endanger students and adults will be handled according to the Granite School District Safe School Policy and may result in suspension/expulsion.
Note to Parent/Guardian: Please be supportive by signing and returning Think Time forms the next day. If the note is not returned with the parent’s signature, the student will still receive the consequence at school and the parent/guardian will be contacted.
Teachers will have a classroom reward system established as a part of their discipline plan. Classroom rewards should be explained at the beginning of the year. Any questions regarding class rewards should be directed to the teacher.
Additionally, school-wide rewards include: participation in school assemblies/special events, Falcon Flyers to be redeemed at the Treasure Tower, extra privileges, or other reward activities.
When the bell rings for school to be dismissed (3:45 Mondays through Thursdays; 1:40 on short days) students are asked to exit the building through the doors in the student’s hallway which the teacher has designated as the exit doors. If older students need to pick up younger students, an outside meeting location (such as the flagpole) needs to be arranged. Jr. High and High School students are not allowed on school property during school hours. Students from other schools will be asked to leave the premises if they have not checked in at the office and are in the building or on the premises during school hours or immediately after school.
Students may remain after school only with prior parental permission. If students are to be kept after school more than 5 minutes, parents will be notified in advance.
Students not picked up by 4:15 pm and the office hasn’t been contacted, the Granite
Police will be called. Also if students are consistently being picked up late, the Granite Police will be notified.
Dress Standards
We support the position that parents should oversee their children’s dress so that it is modest, clean, and appropriate. We offer these guidelines for school:
· Clothing should be adequate for the weather.
· Shorts may be worn during warm weather, not tight or short (must come down to the tips of the finger tips or less than 4 inches above the knee).
· No tank tops (any sleeveless shirt that does not go to the shoulder edge), biker shorts, halters (bare backs), midriffs (skin exposed when arms are raised), cut-offs (sleeves/legs), or any clothing with gaping openings.
· No pajamas, slippers and clothing that allow under-garments to be exposed.
· Gang apparel may not be worn. Gang apparel may include, but is not limited to: hats, bandanas, baggy pants, “sagging” pants, coats, “hoodies”, or gloves worn inside, heavy or multiple chains, writing on the body, or Old English Text. Shirts that have personalities on them affiliated with gang activity are prohibited.
· No apparel which may promote substances illegal for children, including alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs.
· No lewd, crude or obscene material.
· Make-up, perfume, hair spray, etc. may not be brought to school.
· Hats and pulled-up hoodies can be worn in the building as long as they aren’t a distraction from learning.
· Shoes must be worn at all times. Flip flops and sandals should not be worn for PE.
Electronic Devices on School Premises and at School-Sponsored Activities
Cell phones: We discourage student possession of cell phones at school. Any cell phones brought to school must be turned off during school and put away in a backpack. Students using cell phones during school time (including recesses or during the before or after school program) will have the cell phone confiscated. Students will be allowed to use cell phones before or after school , but must not congregate in groups and must follow the district guidelines below.
Cell Phone Warnings:
- First time- Teacher will take the phone and give it back to the student at the end of the day.
- Second time- Teacher will take the phone and give it back to the student with a parent phone call made.
- Third Time- Teacher will take the phone to the office and the phone will be given to the student after the parent has been contacted.
- After this, students will NOT be allowed to bring a phone to school.
If at any time, students are using their cell phones to view inappropriate things, cyberbullying, posting inappropriate things on social media, or anything else that puts safety at risk, the phone will be confiscated and a parent will be called to pick it up. Suspension and loss of having a phone at school may be a result.
SMART watches: SMART watches can only be used for telling time during school hours. Students should not send or receive texts or calls or use the internet. SMART watches will be confiscated if they are not used according to policy.
Using electronic devices to bully, harass, humiliate, or intimidate either students, employees, or patrons, will not be tolerated. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to the following: illegal activities, threats of any kind, discriminatory, abusive, or disparaging communication; any form of pornography or indecent content; solicitations or other inappropriate communications regarding sex or sexuality; and grooming. Students shall obtain consent before taking photographs or videos of other individuals.
The use of electronic devices is prohibited in areas where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy such as bathrooms and locker rooms. Individuals shall exit these areas before using an electronic device, except in the case of a health or safety emergency. Electronic devices used in violation of this policy shall be confiscated and returned to parents/guardians, subject to administrative and criminal investigations.
Whittier STEAM School and Granite School District are not responsible for the loss or damage to any electronic device.
Emergency Plan
What If…
In the event that a major crisis or disaster occurs during school hours, every effort will be made to provide for the safety and well being of the students.
The best way you as a parent or guardian may assist us in a smooth evacuation and/or release of students is to have current emergency contact numbers on your child’s registration card in the office.
Shelter in Place – Potential/indirect threat to student safety off campus
During a Shelter in Place, students and staff are brought inside the building and all exterior doors are locked. School activities are allowed to proceed as normal inside the school. The front door of the school is manned by a school administrator or police office during the Shelter in Place. Unless otherwise directed, parents and visitors will not be allowed on the campus until the protocol is lifted.
Lockdown – Potential threat to student safety on or adjacent to the campus
This protocol requires all students, staff and approved visitors to move to the nearest room and lock the door. Suspicious activity on or adjacent to the school campus may warrant extra precautions to keep students and staff safe. Additionally, situations inside the school may cause a Lockdown. Most classroom lessons and activities continue during a Lockdown, but the door will not be opened for anyone.
Lockdown with Cover – Direct threat to student safety on or adjacent to the campus
As with a regular Lockdown protocol, all students, staff and approved visitors will move to the nearest room and lock the door. All classroom activities are halted, and students and staff will take cover in an area of the room that is least visible from the door and exterior windows. Everyone will remain absolutely quiet during a Lockdown with Cover. Emergency personnel will knock and announce themselves before unlocking and opening classroom doors.
The fire alarm will sound and all persons in the building are expected to quickly and quietly exit the building through the closest door available. Classes are to take emergency packets and class rolls outside and reassemble by classes on the playground. Teachers will be responsible to account for all students and to maintain class control until it is determined which procedure will be used next.
We live in an earthquake zone and the possibility of an earthquake is very real. Due to the nature of this crisis, no warning can or will be given. Official Granite School District policy states that students are expected to “Duck and Cover” as quickly as possible. This means they are to crawl under a desk or table, making sure their heads and as much of their bodies as possible are protected by the desk or table. Because the furniture will also be moving, students are instructed to grab hold of the legs of the desk or table and hold on securely. If the desks or tables are of an adjustable nature, students need to hold on to the top part of the leg, not the bottom portion. Once the movement stops, teachers will evacuate their classes and reassemble on the playground, as they would in a fire drill situation.
Bomb Threats
In the event of a bomb threat, any decision to evacuate the building will be under the guidance and direction of local authorities. When the building has been declared safe, students will be allowed back into the building.
School Closure or Late Start
In the event of a school closure or late start before the school day begins, TV and radio stations and the Granite District site will carry news bulletins and information. We will also send out a phone call and or email.
Evacuation Plans
Evacuation for most emergencies will proceed as outlined in the fire evacuation procedures. The north playground is the designated evacuation site. In the event of inclement weather, security concerns, or other hazardous conditions, all students and personnel will be evacuated to an alternative site such as the church south of us or Hunter Jr. High School.
Plans for Reuniting Families
If the district authorizes a school closure, or if emergency circumstances warrant release to parents, all students must be checked out ONLY by office personnel. In the event of evacuation, the school’s file containing student enrollment information will be evacuated with personnel. Students will ONLY be released to individuals designated by a parent or guardian on the enrollment card. The time and location of release and signature of the individual taking custody will be recorded by office personnel or designee.
Emergency Preparedness Drills
Emergency drills are held once a month. These include fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills. It is mandatory that the entire building be evacuated or follow other appropriate school procedures at such times. This includes parents or other visitors, as well as teachers, students, and staff.
Food Policy- Salt Lake County
No home prepared food items can be brought to school for consumption by anyone other than your child. Commercially prepared and packaged food items are the only permissible treats.
Health Information
We urge all parents to notify the school of any major or significant changes that occur in your child’s health. It is important that you notify your child’s teacher of any and all health problems. Written instructions regarding action to be taken for known health problems should be sent to the teacher each year.
Immunization Certificate
Utah law requires all students enrolled in Utah schools to have a Certificate of Adequate Immunization. This form may be secured by the school, County Health Department, or the child’s personal physician’s office. Students who are not adequately immunized according to current Utah State Law will not be allowed to attend class.
Keeping Children Healthy
Parents are expected to keep children home when they show symptoms of contagious illness, fever, vomiting, etc. If we feel your child needs to go home because of their symptoms, we will call you and expect you or someone on child’s registration, will come as quickly as possible to pick up the child. We can’t watch over them for a long period of time if they are symptomatic.
Playground activities which take place during recess and the lunch period are part of the school day and your child is expected to participate in those activities. Therefore, children should wear adequate clothing on cold days.
You may request that your child stay indoors for up to 3 days following an illness. Please send a written note to your child’s teacher each day that he/she is to stay in, explaining the reason. Requests over three days will require a doctor’s note.
Leaving School Early
The school will not release a student during the school day unless a previously authorized adult has signed the child out at the office. Parents should list on the registration cards any neighbor and/or relative who is authorized to sign a child out of school. If the adult is not listed on the card, students will not be released. Please keep in mind that excessive early checkouts count towards a student’s attendance. Students are required to be in school 405 minutes per school day (6 hours, 45 minutes).
Lost and Found
Lost and found items are stored in a bin in the front hallway. Please label your child’s clothing and other belongings. Items not claimed at the end of each month will be donated to charity.
Medical Insurance
The state of Utah utilizes the program called Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Information about CHIP is available at the office, from the school psychologist/social worker, or by calling 1-888-222-2542.
State law requires that ALL medication, over-the-counter or prescription, taken by students at school MUST be administered by trained school personnel. Also, NO medication can be administered without written direction and instruction from the parent AND the student’s physician, including over the counter medication, on our official Medication Forms. These forms are available in the school office.
Students are not permitted to transport medication to school or keep medication in their possession. Instead, all medication needs to be brought by an adult in the original pharmacy labeled container and all medications must be kept at the office.
Under doctor’s orders, asthma inhalers can be kept in the child’s possession with the required paperwork. Please contact the office for the paperwork requirements.
Money and Other Valuables
Do not send valuable items or extra money to school. The school cannot be responsible for loss or damage to personal belongings. A drop box is available in the office for students to use to pay lunch money and class donations. Please make sure the student’s first and last name and the teacher’s name is on an envelope before placing it in the box. Granite School District policy does not allow teachers to handle monies other than for Scholastic Book sales.
Parent Support
Community Council
As we strive to create better partnerships with parents and school, we have a Community Council to give input regarding community needs and school improvement.
Elections will be held in September for the 2022-23 school year. When there are no nominees, the current parent members appoint replacements. If you are interested in participating on the Community Council, please pick up a Declaration of Candidacy at the school office, then fill it out and return it to the school office by ______________________.
Dropping Off and Picking Up Students
Please follow the school’s pick up/drop off procedures. Students may be dropped off or picked up in front of the building, or at the back of the building in the northeast pick up/drop off zone. We encourage students to follow safe practices at all times. Please do not allow children to run between cars. They should cross only in designated crosswalks with parents or where the crossing guard or safety patrol is located.
Parents are required to follow the direction of any supervising adult in the parking area. Traffic/safety violations will result in the driver’s license plate being recorded and reported to the proper authorities. Please remember to remain calm and to treat school staff how you would like to be treated if you were in their place.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
We encourage all parents (fathers and mothers) to join the Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The PTA is the voice for parents in the nation, state, school district, and this school. The staff members work with the PTA members to provide the best experience for our students. The more parents who participate in PTA, the better our school will run.
Pets and Other Animals
In all cases, parents must consult with the teacher before bringing any animal to school. Once arranged, all animals must be properly caged or leashed. All animals must be taken home immediately after the sharing experience.
If your child has any allergy to animals, please inform the teacher so we may avoid any reactions to pets brought for Show and Tell.
Animals running loose on school grounds will be turned over to Animal Control.
School Parties
Teachers may have class parties as reward activities and these are to be conducted under the teacher’s guidance. Students may not arrange “surprise” parties for teachers or friends during school time.
School Lunch and Milk
School breakfast and lunch may be purchased any day of the week. Parents or students come to the office to pay their lunch money or pay over paypams.com.
Do not expect food to be furnished on a credit basis. Students are informed when the account is low and are given a note to take home when the account is overdrawn, reminding them to bring more money. You are responsible to make sure there is money in your child’s account.
Student/Adult & Non-Student
Student Price Adult & Non-Student (including pre-school)
Lunch $1.50 $3.35
Milk $ .30
Breakfast $ .90 $1.75
Breakfast will be served from 8:25 am to 8:50 am each morning.
Under the National School Lunch Program, free lunches are available for qualifying families. Application forms are available at the office or online. Until your child brings home notification from the school that the application has been approved, please furnish lunch for him/her or pay full price for the meal.
School Safety *
District policies do not allow for unsafe conduct. For example, District policies prohibit threats or acts of violence; real or look-alike weapons; explosive or flammable materials; gang activity; criminal behavior; destruction or damage to property; willful disobedience or defiance; and possession of illegal drugs, alcohol, or other prohibited substances.
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Harassment, Hazing, and Other Similar Conduct
Bullying, cyberbullying, harassment, hazing, and other similar offensive conduct is also prohibited. Generally, this type of conduct includes an intent to cause distress or harm; involves a relationship with an imbalance of power; and includes repeated acts (or one serious act) of violence, intimidation, humiliation, or social isolation. Offending conduct can be physical, verbal, or written and may come in the form of social pressure, criticism, disrespectful behavior, or excluding others from an activity intentionally. Conduct may be intended as retaliation toward another person, which is also prohibited. Offending conduct may be obvious or subtle and it can include enlisting another person to commit the prohibited actions. Offending conduct can also be considered discrimination if the conduct is based on a person’s race, gender, or some other protected classification.
Reporting and Correcting Offending Conduct
If you are treated in the ways described above, or you see another person being treated that way, please report the conduct as soon as possible. There are many ways to make a report:
- you can talk to your principal, teacher, or another employee at the school;
- you can leave a message in “Buddy Boxes” or deliver it in writing to the office;
- you can call or text the District Safety Hotline – Phone: (801) 481-7199, Text: (801) 664-2929;
- you can use the SafeUT application on your phone or your parent’s phone;
- you or your parents can report to the District by calling the School Accountability Department: (385) 646-4510;
- you or your parents can report to the District by calling the Educational Equity Department: (385) 646-4205;
- you or your parents can report to the Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII, U.S. Department of Education, Federal Building, Suite 310, 1244 Speer Boulevard, Denver, Colorado 80204.
Administrators will investigate all reports, make corrections, and work to prevent further misconduct. School officials shall notify parents of incidents involving bullying, cyberbullying, hazing, retaliation, harassment, discrimination, or other similar conduct. Based on the severity of the conduct, students may receive discipline including parent/guardian conferences, suspension/expulsion, referral to law enforcement, placement outside the school, and/or other discipline that is appropriate. This policy covers conduct occurring at school and conduct outside of school if it affects the school environment. False reports or allegations are prohibited and may also result in discipline. For more information about these subjects, please contact the District Compliance Office by calling (385) 646-4009.
School Supplies
Children are held responsible for the condition of all textbooks and library books checked out to them. A charge may be assessed if these books are lost or damaged beyond normal wear. Basic school supplies are provided for all elementary students by the school at no charge. It is permissible for students to provide their own school supplies, but these should not distract students from their class work in any way.
Students are expected to be in their classrooms and in their seats when it is time for school to begin. If a student arrives after 9:05 am, s/he must be checked in at the office. In cases of frequent tardiness, a warning letter will be sent to the student’s parent/guardian. A student’s academic citizenship grades may be affected by multiple tardies. Excessive tardies are addressed in the Utah Compulsory Attendance Law.
Telephone Use
We discourage messages for students; please make plans with your child before school. In case of an emergency, please leave a message with the office and we will get the message to your child as soon as possible. Telephone use is under the direction of staff for educational purposes, not for students’ personal use. Parents should contact the office to reach a student. Calling a student’s cell phone or calling a teacher’s room directly, to reach a student, is not permitted.
Toys, Games, and Other Non-Educational Items
Toys and other items that are not part of the educational program should not be brought to school. Parents may pick up confiscated items at the office. Electronic devices may NOT be brought to school and will be taken to the office if seen.
Weapons (including pocket knives either real or look-a-like), may not be brought to school and will NOT be returned when confiscated. Weapons or dangerous items will most likely result in suspension.
Parents are invited, and always welcome, to volunteer at the school. When you visit the school:
- Make prior arrangements with the teacher in advance.
- Come to the office, sign in and obtain a visitor pass.
- Wear the visitor pass in the building during school hours.
- Allow school to proceed with minimal disruptions.
- Appointments for school hour visits with staff members are required and expected for before/after school visits.
- When bringing an item to your child, leave it at the office to have your child pick it up, OR have your child called down and speak with him/her in the office or foyer.
- Messages to teachers will be placed in their boxes. You may request that the teacher be notified of the note.
- Allow a secretary to set up meetings with the principal or assistant principal when needed. This will be done as quickly as possible.
- Parents have access to their own children only. It is against the law to question or ask for information regarding other students.
We cannot honor requests for school-age relatives, friends, or pre-school age children to attend school with a student. Students must be registered and live within the school boundaries (or have administrative approval) to attend Whittier Elementary.
Parent Expectations and Recommendations
Research has shown that for a student to be successful in school, parental support is vital. The following are recommendations on how you, as a parent/guardian, can help ensure that your student has a successful year:
- If your student eats breakfast at home, make sure s/he has a nutritious, well balanced breakfast.
- Check your students to make sure they are clean, their clothes are clean, and that they have their backpacks, homework, and anything else needed for school.
- Make sure your student arrives at school on time.
- When dealing with Whittier staff, please remember that we all want what is best for your student. We strive to treat everyone with respect and courtesy. Please return the favor.
- Most problems can be resolved by contacting the teacher first. We ask that you suspend judgment until you have heard both the student’s and the teacher’s side of the story.
- Be supportive and come, when possible, to special programs, assemblies, or performances in which your student is participating.
- Think about volunteering in your child’s classroom if work/home schedules permit.
- If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved by the teacher, please do not hesitate to make an appointment with an administrator.
- Support the school-wide discipline program.
- Refrain from speaking negatively about school staff in front of your student.
- Pay all fees in full and on time.
- Make sure that your student adheres to the Granite School District Attendance Policy by minimizing late drop offs (tardies)/early pickups (checking out early) and/or absences. Whittier Elementary will not check out students between 3:30-3:45 PM.
- Pick a homework “safe place” where your student can leave and pick up his/her homework for your inspection/signature.
- Read to and with your student as often as possible. This may count as your child’s 20-30 minutes of reading. If your student is older, have him/her read to you.
- Make sure your student gets a full night’s rest. It is difficult for children to learn if they are tired and irritable upon arriving at school.
In our experience with thousands of different students, if parents follow the above recommendations, their students will have a support structure that will allow for maximum growth and potential!
Thank you for taking the time to read this manual. We are grateful for the opportunity to educate your child. If you have any questions or concerns regarding any of the topics mentioned above, please call and make an appointment to speak with an administrator at your convenience. We are always happy to hear from you.
* District Policies can be found here: http://www.graniteschools.org/legal/policies/. Relevant policies are as follows:
- Article VIII.B.3. School Safety Violations
- Article V.C.7. Unlawful Acts in or about Schools and School Trespass
- Administrative Memo One-Hundred Six, Safe School Policy
- Administrative Memo Ninety-Five, Prohibited Substances
- Article VIII.B.9. Prohibition of Bullying, Cyberbullying, Hazing, and Retaliation
- Article V.C.1. Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation