Member Name
Marion CarverTeacher
PTA position descriptions
- Secretary: Monthly meeting minutes, email’s to board members, monthly meeting agendas
- Book Fair: Two weeks out of the year. Book Fairs coincide with SEP conferences. SEP’s are the end of September, and the middle of February. Schedule, set up, get volunteers to work, clean up.
- Bulletin Board: Help keep the PTA bulletin board current, by either doing it or assigning out to others
- Calendar/newsletter: Collect information to send out the first week of every month with students. Make copies (at the school) and put in teacher boxes.
- Family Life: Help organize any evening events, help advertise for our Family Skate night. (putting up posters, copying flier and putting in teacher boxes)
- Field Day: Organize this one day event the last week of the school year.
- Safety Fair: Organize a safety fair for the school in the spring.
- Fundraising: Help organize and carry out our annual PTA Fundraiser. For 2015-2016 it will be a Spring Fundraiser
- Walk to School day (late Sept or early October): organize food and volunteers
- Vision Screening (October) Usually two days, organize paper work and volunteers
- Maturation Programs (Spring) schedule speakers, make fliers, buy refreshments, make sure it gets set up and taken down. (custodial staff will do this!)
- Junior Achievement: Organize volunteers to teach in each of the classrooms
- Red Ribbon: One week in October, usually the week before Halloween. Organize activities
- Reflections: Advertise, get paperwork out to students, collect projects and correct paperwork. Arrange for judging and send winners on to next level. Purchase awards for participants. Busy October and November
- Volunteers– Organize volunteer sign-up sheet (we have a hard copy to go from) put together volunteer lists at the beginning of the school year.
- Spanish Translation: Help us translate anything we send home
- Teacher Appreciation – SEP dinners, September and February. Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Organize fun recognition things for teachers and usually a luncheon for the end of the week