- Please use the Faculty & Staff tabs in the top blue header above to locate your child’s teacher to access their individual websites for current information.
- Granite School District links for distance learning information: https://sites.google.com/granitesd.org/granitedistancelearning/home
- Google Classroom how to/help: https://www.loom.com/share/216261aab17742ad93a047a0251f61c9
- Granite Portal how to/help: https://www.loom.com/share/c5fcb21eee3f4a15974056d1d327a005
- Nutrition Services is committed to continue to provide grab & go breakfast and lunch meals to all children and teens ages 1-18 within the District boundaries at no charge. No applications are necessary to participate. Siblings of students may pick up meals at the same location. Pick up time: 11:30-1 lunch & breakfast for the next day. For more information: https://www.graniteschools.org/nutritionservices/media-and-program-updates/
- Find Family Links tab in the second maroon header above to access all distance/online learning support from the Counseling Center, PE and Visual Arts.
- School office hours will be from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Monday through Friday until school resumes May 4th. Mondays will continue to be packet drop-off and pick-up days from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. If you have any other needs, please call and make an appointment before dropping by.