EVERY student (returning and new) needs to visit their school (student does not need to be present) during this registration time to register for the upcoming school year 2021-2022. Registration will be held on Thursday, August 5th from 8:30 am – 12:30 and 1:00 – 4:00 pm.
- Returning students need to be re-registered to update the student’s school information – we need current contact information such as email addresses and telephone numbers for parents/guardians and updated information for any emergency contacts listed for the student.
- All new students, including Kindergarten, need proof of immunizations, student Birth Certificate, proof of residency (current utility bill in parents name) and Drivers License or government issued ID for parents.
- Please access the information packet including: Parent Acknowledgment, Student Technology Agreement and McKinney-Vento or Free/Reduced Lunch information as needed.
Thank You