Hello Beehive Community! The last day of school for Kindergarten is Thursday, May 24th. It will be a regular day schedule. The last day of school for students in 1st-6th grade will be Friday, May 25th. It will be an early release schedule. Thank you for a wonderful 2017-2018 school year! Have a wonderful summer! ...
End of Year Kindergarten Testing
Hello Beehive Community! Kindergarten End of Year testing is scheduled for the week of May 7th-May 11th. You may sign-up your kindergarten student for testing using the Online Scheduler located on our web page. Kindergarten will not be in session during this week. If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 385-646-4768. ...
SAGE Testing
Hello Beehive Community! The annual SAGE end of year testing in grades 3-6 will begin on Monday, April 23rd. We appreciate students arriving on time to school during this important time of year. Free breakfast will also be available for all students the week of April 30-May 4th. Breakfast begins at 8:10 in the cafeteria. ...
Kindergarten Registration!
Hello Beehive Community! It's time for Kindergarten Registration for the 2018-2019 school year! Registration forms are in the main office. Students must be five (5) years old before September 1, 2018.. You will need an original birth certificate for your child, immunization records, and proof of residence to register your child. If you have any questions, please contact the main office at 385-646-4768. ...
World’s Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
Hello Beehive Community! We will begin our annual school fundraiser next week! We will be selling World’s Finest Chocolate bars again, and students will be receiving information on Wednesday, February 21st. All of the funds raised will go towards student incentives and field trips. The fundraiser will conclude on Wednesday, March 7th. Thank you for your support of our annual fundraiser! ...
Fox 13 Cool School of the Week!
Hello Beehive Community! We have some exciting news! We have been chosen as the Fox 13 news "Cool School of the Week"! Big Budha will be broadcasting live from our school next Thursday, January 25th from 6:45 am to 8:45 am. Be sure to tune in to Fox 13 news next Thursday morning to see the amazing things happening at Beehive Elementary! ...
Winter Weather Procedures
Hello Beehive Community! The winter weather is quickly approaching! It is wonderful to see so many students dressed in warm clothing as the temperature is changing quickly. The Community Council has determined that students will be indoors when the temperature outside is below 25 degrees or extreme snow or rain is falling. We use the Weather Bug website to determine what the temperature is outside considering the wind chill factor. In the ...
Author Visit on Oct. 24th
Co-Author Shelly Brown will visit us Oct. 24th at 9:00 and share her story of becoming an author. ...
Halloween Celebration!
Hello Beehive Community! On Tuesday, October 31st, we will be having our annual Halloween parade! It will begin at 9:00 in the Multipurpose Room, and classroom celebrations will follow from 10:00-11:00. You may contact your child's teacher for more information on classroom celebrations. A reminder that a student may not wear a mask or carry a real or pretend weapon that accompanies a Halloween costume. If you have any questions, please ...
Conditions for Learning Survey
Thank you to our community members who completed the Conditions for Learning survey during SEP conferences! This survey provides our school with important information on how we can improve the service we provide our wonderful students and the Beehive community. If you did not have the opportunity to complete the survey, there is still time to participate. The website is http://c4lq.com and enter the code 918443. ...