Good evening parents and students,
I has been just over a week since you have heard from me. Things seem to falling into a bit of a routine now and information is not changing as rapidly. Which I must say is so nice. Here are a few updates for you…
School Progress
Please tell your students that I am so proud of them for all the work. I am seeing the work they are completing and it truly makes my heart happy. Teachers have been sharing Flipgrids and other fun projects that your students are submitting. It is so great to see. I also want all of you to know how much we appreciate all the effort you are providing your students. I know that it can be so challenging to balance it all and I appreciate your efforts.
Video Conferencing
We have been asked to avoid using ZOOM for video conferencing as some classrooms meetings across the country have had unwanted visitors to their classroom chat. You may have heard about the incident in Alpine district recently. Though we have not had an incident in one of our classrooms, I am asking that the teachers at Calvin use Google Meet. Please know that your teachers have been asked to make this switch for a very good reason, and please know that we do this to protect your children.
Social Emotional Support
Here is a video presentation, it provides more information about talking to children about COVID-19: (For Pre-school – Grade 2)
Meal Distribution
Just a reminder that Calvin Smith is on of 40 something locations to distribute Lunch/Breakfast meals each day. Those meals are being distributed from 11:30 – 1:00 Monday – Friday. You will need to stay in your car and pull up. It has been going very well and we are averaging about 700 meals a day. Which is amazing. We are so grateful for our amazing
Kindergarten Registration
We are still very anxious to get all your kindergarten students registered. The district has developed a plan to help us proceed. Please click on the following link for more information
Calvin Smith Talent Show
We are going to hold a virtual talent show. We are so excited. Please click on the link to view a video with details
Thank you again for all you are doing. Tell you kids that I miss them and am looking forward to seeing them.
Cindy Dunn
Calvin Smith Elementary