We have had several inquiries of where to send struggling families to access food during these difficult times. We wanted to alert you to the fact that St. James Episcopal Church (7486 S Union Park Ave, Midvale – 801-566-1311) has an operating food pantry that distributes food on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.. The location is easily accessed from I-215 (3 minutes from exit) and food is distributed curbside to maintain social distancing. They are extremely generous in what is shared with those needing assistance. If someone is in need of immediate assistance there is also a blue box at the north end of the church property that is constantly replenished with food that families can access.
If you are aware of additional needs to help our struggling families, please reach out and let us know. We are anxious to help and provide assistance where we can.