After much work, our school reopening plan has been approved. This will help you make an informed decision as to what type of learning you want to request for your child. What follows is a condensed version of the Full School Reopening Plan.
Cottonwood Elementary Condensed Reopening Plan
Communication and training
We will provide training to our teachers and staff during the first week back, August 17-21.
Administrators, teachers and staff will provide clear guidance/training for expectations/procedures to students the first few days. They will continue to reinforce, teach and reteach throughout the school year. Cottonwood Elementary will be the point of contact for questions or specific concerns.
We will use a variety of communication tools to reach varying stakeholder audiences including email, voice messaging, website, social media, and print mailings.
We will communicate the economic importance of supporting parents’ return to a normal work day.
We will express a willingness to always evaluate, improve and reevaluate as necessary.
We will be prepared for locally driven crisis response communications.
In consultation with local health officials, we will draft statements for varying situations regarding outbreaks, positive cases, etc.
We will plan to include messaging to counter stigma and discrimination.
Accommodating Individual Circumstances (e.g., High-Risk, Personal Decisions)
We will share our plans for mitigating risk factors. For those students /families that would prefer to participate in distance learning they may fill out a form letting us know their desire to do so by 8/6/20, and we will accommodate their request. Staff that identify as high risk may reach out to our Human Resources Department and we provide reasonable accommodations. We will systematically review all current IEPs, Healthcare Plans and 504 plans for accommodating students with special healthcare needs, and update their care plans as needed to decrease their risk for exposure to COVID-19.
We will accommodate decisions of families and students who prefer distance learning.
We will consider the emotional and social needs of educators including additional stresses to workload, adult interactions, and breaks.
We will consider the emotional and social needs of students including physical breaks and peer engagement
School Schedules
Granite School District has three schedules that they are prepared to implement depending on what may be happening due to the virus. The three schedules are Regular, Modified, and Dismissal.
With the regular schedule students K-12 will be allowed to attend every day using the Board approved school calendar with increased safety and mitigation measures in place. We plan to use this schedule most of the time. The only time we would utilize another schedule for an individual class, grade, school or district is if we were recommended to do so by the Health Department, the Governor’s Office or the USBE.
Monitoring Incidents
We will adopt the new Utah School Nurse Association (USNA) protocol for symptom monitoring. These protocols will be emailed to all GSD staff. School nurses will verify each site administrator has the protocols and answer questions.
Principal will review these protocols in the Opening Staff Meeting.
Containing Potential Outbreaks
Cottonwood Elementary will establish a sick room as well as an isolation/quarantine room for suspected exposure. All suspected cases will be reported to the school administrator and school nurse. The school nurse will work with the health department to verify positive cases, provide information for contact tracing, and establish next steps for the school (i.e. patron and staff communications, enhanced cleaning in designated areas, prevention education, and determination of other actions needed to prevent an outbreak.)
Transition Management Preparation
In the case of a dismissal we will contact the Cottonwood Elementary community through automated Blackboard phone calls, group emails and Facebook
Mitigating Tactics for Specific School Settings
When students are not 6 or more feet apart, masks will be worn. Teachers will have the ability to check student temperature if needed. Classroom doors should be propped open to limit direct contact of the doors. The teacher, responsible adult or staff member will spray student desks and chairs with disinfectant, and have the students wipe their own individual desk, chair and work area. Disinfecting desks/chairs/work areas should occur before or after students leave the classroom: morning recess, lunch, afternoon recess and other transition times: class rotations, library visits, PE activities, art, etc.
The teacher will spray and wipe items twice daily which are touched frequently: coat racks, toys, bookshelves, sinks, dispensers, recess equipment, computers, keyboards, whiteboards, etc. preferably before lunch and at the end of the day.
Use of community items will be limited and possibly eliminated (art supplies, games, math manipulatives, class library books, toys) If community items are used, they will be wiped after each use. Unnecessary furniture and other items will be removed from the classroom.
Group work will be limited to those supported by a teacher. Students will not work in small groups without the immediate direction of a teacher. Teachers will be provided a carpet sweeper to clean their own room at the end of each day. This can be completed by the teacher, a responsible adult, or a staff member.
Students should pick up all large items off the floor to make it easier to vacuum.
The custodians will thoroughly clean all touch surfaces daily and thoroughly vacuum classrooms every
other day. Hands will be washed/sanitized upon entry/exit of the room, after blowing nose, coughing, touching face, transitioning to/from a group setting.
Have students walk on the right side of the halls to allow for the smooth flow of traffic.
Designate set patterns for the flow of hall traffic.
Stagger transition times.
Release student’s one row at a time.
Teach students to limit physical contact and keep hands and feet to themselves. Utilize floor markings or signage to direct traffic.
Require mask wearing during transitions.
Hand sanitizer will be available upon entering and exiting classrooms.
Sink, soap and paper towels will be available in each classroom.
Doors will be propped open to minimize touch.
Clean high-touch surfaces after transitions.
Entry/Exit Points
Limit nonessential visitors and volunteers to school. Minimize exposure to others if at all possible.
Establish protocols for any visitors and non-regular staff including the wearing of masks and possible temperature checks.
Utilize sign in/out procedures to include locations being visited.
Prop doors open when and where practical.
Post visible signs to encourage physical distancing and indicate the expected flow of traffic.
Use multiple points of entrance to avoid clustering at single points of entry.
Establish protocols for drop off/pick up and communicate updates and expectations to parents.
Post visible signs to let students, parents and visitors know the mask expectation.
Make hand sanitizer and or hand washing stations available for entry and exit of building.
Assign bus seating to support contact tracing.
Protocols will be established for regular cleaning and disinfecting seats and other high touch surfaces.
Protocols will be established for boarding and exiting the bus: first one on to last one off.
Students will be required to wear masks while on the bus. Exceptions will be made for unique student health circumstances. PPE will be provided for bus drivers.
Encourage staff to be more lenient regarding the use of restrooms during class time to enable better social distancing.
Procedures will be put in place to limit/monitor the number of students in the restroom during classroom time.
During recess and lunch, social distancing in the bathrooms will be difficult to monitor/maintain. Masks will be required. Students will be responsible for maintaining distance from others.
Ensure proper airflow and ventilation.
Place markings on the floor to encourage physical distancing while waiting in line for the bathroom.
Require face covering while in the restroom.
Provide education and display signage regarding hygiene.
Create a schedule for cleaning high touch surfaces.
Ensure PPE is available for staff providing support in restrooms.
Assign seating for students by class and grade to support contact tracing.
Students assigned to the cafeteria or gym (temporary lunchroom) by grade level.
Touch keypad will be replaced with a non-touch scanner for entry of lunch number.
Students will receive laminated lunch card. We will provide lanyards.
Require social distancing in the lunchroom because of mask removal when eating.
Remove self-service nutrition station and replace with individual food service from staff.
Hand washing and/or hand sanitizer before and after lunch.
Increase cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces.
Use disposable items when possible to eliminate the spread of germs.
Large Group Gatherings (e.g. assemblies, performances)
None at this time.
Replace assemblies with virtual gatherings whenever possible.
Consider virtual meetings for Staff Meeting, other necessary meetings.
When meetings are absolutely necessary, implement masks
Unique Courses with Higher Risk of Spread
Assign seating or groups to support contact tracing.
School LEAs will identify more at risk courses and make plans with support from the local health department to mitigate risk.
Cancel non-essential assemblies, recitals, events, etc.
Use virtual options when practical.
Identify and use large spaces to maximize distancing.
Move non-essential furniture out of the classrooms to increase social distancing.
Post visible signage to let students know the expectation of face coverings.
Disinfect shop equipment, tools, instruments, etc.
Make hand sanitizer and/or hand washing stations available of entry/exit areas.
Provide additional PPE where needed and practical.
Recess and Playground
Recess by grade level.
One duty per grade level recess with ability to radio to teammates for assistance.
Hire additional help for recess duty and sanitizing.
Assign and alternate recess playground time and use of outdoor spaces and equipment to allow sanitizing between grade levels.
School LEAs will ensure recess and playgrounds are managed with health and safety principles and requirements.
Post visible signage to teach students appropriate playground interaction for following health and safety principles.
Employees will teach respiratory hygiene strategies.
Face covering will be required except in designated areas.
Disinfect playground/gym equipment.
Make hand sanitizer/hand washing stations available upon entry/exit of school.
Teachers/playground aides will be wearing PPE while supervising playground
Special Education, Related Services, or School Counseling (e.g. School Psychologist, Speech Language Pathologist, etc.)
Students with disabilities will be assigned to designated areas to support contact tracing and limit exposure to and from others who may be vulnerable or at risk. Students will remain with the same group of students and reduce group size to the maximum extent practical.
Maximize space between seating where possible.
Identify and use large spaces to maximize physical distancing.
Move non-essential furniture and therapy equipment out of the classrooms when not in use to increase social distancing possibilities.
Employees will be provided with PPE and be required to wear face coverings.
Para-educators and teachers will ensure that students with disabilities will have equal access to the appropriate curriculum while adhering to safety standards. Students who are able will wear face coverings.
Employees will directly teach respiratory hygiene strategies.
Hand sanitizer and/or handwashing stations available in all Special Education, Social Worker, Psychologist, and Speech classrooms.
PD/Faculty Meetings
LEAs ensure group gatherings are organized with health and safety principles and requirements in place and, as needed, by local health departments.
Cancel all non-essential meetings or implement virtual meetings when possible.
Assign seating to support contact tracing.
We may utilize non-contact temperature screening before in-person meetings.
Implement wearing of face coverings when meeting/talking with other staff members.
Maintain social distancing if at all possible
Before/After Student Supervision
Staff member or responsible adult, or a door stop will hold open the doors to minimize student contact with the door. Remove door stop as soon as possible to maintain security of the building.
Encourage students to quickly enter/exit the building while maintaining social distance.
Students and staff will maintain wearing face coverings while entering and exiting the school.
Drop Off/Pick Up Areas
Reinforce quick pick up and drop off procedures.
Staff will be out front to remind parents to remain in their cars and have students enter or exit the building quickly.
Staff will be available at all entry points to hold doors, and remind students of social
distancing, face covering, keeping KHYFOOTY (keep your hands, feet and other objects to yourself.)
Communicate with parents regarding Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures.
Students should arrive at school with all necessary items for the day (lunch, library book, backpack, coat, etc.) to avoid unnecessary contact/visits to the office.
Front Office
Reinforce quick pick up and drop off procedures.
Staff will be out front to remind parents to remain in their cars and have students enter or exit the building quickly.
Staff will be available at all entry points to hold doors, and remind students of social distancing, face covering, keeping KHYFOOTY (keep your hands, feet and other objects to yourself.)
Communicate with parents regarding Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures.
Students should arrive at school with all necessary items for the day (lunch, library book, backpack, coat, etc.) to avoid unnecessary contact/visits to the office.
P/T or SEP Conferences
Ensure that group gatherings are organized with health and safety principles in place.
Consider virtual gatherings.
Schedule in person SEP conferences with space between to minimize group gatherings.
Designate set patterns for the flow of foot traffic.
Prop doors open when and where practical.
Use multiple points of entry to avoid clustering at a single point of entry.
Make hand sanitizer/hand washing stations available at entry/exit points.
Safety and Fire Drills
Have students walk on right side of hallway for smooth flow of traffic.
Designate set patterns of traffic flow at intersections of hallways.
Prop doors open when and where practical.
Use multiple points of entry and exit to avoid clustering at single points of entry.
Students will sanitize hands upon return to the classroom.
Students and staff are to wear masks when waiting in lines.
Teachers/playground duties will be provided with PPE to wear while supervising.
We will have 7 fire drills, 1 earthquake drill, and 2 lock down drills during the year.
Patron Meetings
Ensure that group gatherings are organized with health and safety principles, and requirements are in place as needed with consultation from local health department.
Consider virtual gatherings.
Designate set patterns for foot traffic flow.
Prop doors open when and where practical.
Use multiple points of entry to avoid clustering at single points of entry.
Make hand sanitizer/hand washing stations available upon entry/exit of building.
Library/Media Centers
Isolate Symptoms (e.g., contact tracing, testing, symptom monitoring, self-isolation, etc.)
- Students should be assigned to a place in line, assigned to a seat at library tables and/or on the floor.
Minimize Outbreak Probability (e.g., group size, interaction with multiple groups, etc.)
- Keep the weekly library schedule consistent to the extent possible.
- Library session times should be shortened to the extent possible.
- Creative solutions to decrease library group sizes should be implemented to the extent possible.
- Librarians should consult with district support staff for ideas.
- Encourage students to search online rather than through the shelves.
- Encourage students to place holds for easy pickup and/or delivery.
Physical Distancing (e.g., maintaining distance, close physical interaction, frequency of travel, etc.)
- Students should practice social distancing while in line to check in and check out books.
- Library seating should be physically distanced or oriented to face one direction if distancing isn’t possible
- Utilize floor markings or signage to direct traffic within the library to avoid congestion.
- Librarians will not hold storytime or lesson time in small spaces with whole classes.
- The librarian could visit the classrooms to provide storytime and/or instruction.
- Class groups will need to either be spread out or broken into small groups for library storytime
Respiratory Hygiene (e.g., face coverings, appropriate covering of sneeze/cough, reduce duration spent face-to-face
- Students and staff in the library will wear masks or face shields at all times.
- Library seating should be physically distanced or oriented to face one direction where possible.
Physical Hygiene (e.g., personal hygiene, physical space hygiene, personal protective equipment, etc.)
● Library circulation desks should be equipped with plexiglass shields.
● Prop doors open to reduce touch where possible.
- Students should wash or sanitize their hands before entering the library.
- Make hand sanitizer available.
- Common library equipment should be cleaned by students, teachers, and school librarians after use.
- Time in between library sessions should be given in order to adequately clean and sanitize the library.
- Books that are taken home should be quarantined for at least 4 days upon return to the school.
- This means books should be placed in a location where they are not used, such as a workroom,
- Library seating should be physically distanced or oriented to face one direction where possible.
- Furniture that can’t be wiped down (bean bags, pillows, etc.) should not be used if it can be avoided
IEP/Special Ed Meetings
Ensure that group gatherings are organized with health and safety principles and requirements in place and as needed in consultation with the local health department.
Consider virtual meetings.
Make accommodations for circumstances that encounter close proximity.
Provide plexiglass, face shields, and or auxiliary aids for one on one close contact.
Designate set patterns for the flow of foot traffic.
Prop doors open where and when practical.
Use multiple points of entrance to avoid clustering at single points of entry.
Make hand sanitizer/hand washing stations available upon entry/exit of school
Multipurpose Room
Gym doors should be propped open to limit direct contact of the door.
Gym will be used as a temporary lunchroom in addition to our current lunchroom.
Lunchroom protocols will be followed as outlined above.
The custodian will thoroughly clean the gym daily.
Due to inclement weather, and PE is inside, we will implement cleaning standards of doors and equipment.
Students will walk on the right side of the hallway, like cars travel on a road, to allow for smooth traffic.
Designate set patterns for the flow of foot traffic.
Stagger transitions times.
Release students one row at a time.
Teach students to limit physical contact. KHFOOTY.
Utilize floor markings or signage to direct traffic.
Students will wear masks during transitions.
Hand sanitizer and/ or handwashing stations will be available upon entry/exit of classrooms.
Prop doors open to reduce touch.
Clean high touch surfaces after transitions.
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