Dear Cottonwood Families,
The end is near! In just over four weeks we will be saying good-bye to a great group of students and some wonderful teachers and staff. I hope you agree that this has been a great year at Cottonwood! Our year has been full of learning and growth for your children. We truly appreciate your partnership in education.
With every passing year, there are always a few changes. We would like to wish Mrs. Wendy Wagstaff, our wonderful math interventionist, the best as she moves back into retirement. Thank you for coming back and helping our students these past two years. Also, we want to wish Mrs. Kali Moore, our awesome technology coach the best as she moves to tackle two elementary schools next year with her mad technology skills. We would like to wish Mrs. Athena Gregory the best as she also moves back into retirement!
We will welcome the following amazing educator to Cottonwood next year:
Miss Kelsey Hokanson, Technology Coach
Next week we will be celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week. We have some of the BEST educators here at Cottonwood! A list of some of our teachers and staffs Favorite Things can be found on our Cottonwood Webpage, Cottonwood Website (URL). Just look for the “Favorite Things” tab. Please remember that participation is optional and there are many things that don’t cost anything. A note of encouragement from parents is always appreciated. Our teachers and staff always work above and beyond their contract hours. As a parent myself, it is a relief to know that teachers are dedicated to the social, emotional, and academic success of each and every student.
Thank you teachers!
As you’re making plans for next year, please check the district calendar found on the district website (a copy of the calendar is attached to this newsletter). Our school calendar will be updated periodically throughout the summer as new information/changes are made. We are hoping to boost our attendance next year and continue to limit the number of tardies. It is so important for your child’s academic and social well-being to be in school and on-time to school! Thank you for helping us out and creating an “education first” focus in your homes.
Fall Registration: Please watch your emails this summer for important information. All students, new and returning must register. Registration will be online for the upcoming year. The first day of school is Monday, August 14th, for grades 1-5 and Thursday, August 17th, for Kindergarten.
I hope you all have a great last month of school and wish you a wonderful summer vacation!
Mrs. Cooper