School background
Our school boundaries are from Seventh East to State Street and 3300 South to 3900 South.
Lincoln Elementary serves 450 students in grades K-5. Our students and families speak over 24 home languages other than English.
- Arabic
- Bosnian
- Burmese
- Chinese
- Dinka
- Dutch (Flemish)
- English
- Karen
- Kinyarwanda
- Korean
- Maay (Maimai, Rahanween)
- Madi
- Navajo
- Nepali
- Persian (Farsi)
- Portuguese
- Sango
- Somali
- Spanish
- Swahili
- Thai
- Uduk
Computers and Technology
Every classroom in grades K-5 has a one-to-one access to chromebooks. Supplemental instructional programs include ST Math, Amira, Typing Agent, Wonders, and Ready Classroom Mathematics. The district is also offering wifi hotspots for students to access online curriculum.
Student promotion
Lincoln Elementary students attend Granite Park Junior High and Cottonwood High School.