The focus of Title I schools is to help students achieve proficiency on core standards, closing academic gaps that may exist. These efforts include providing targeted supports to at-risk students, building teachers' capacity through professional development, and strengthening parents' abilities in helping their children succeed.
An Introduction to Title I
- Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
- For other annual Title I parent information, Granite School District's parent engagement policy, a summary of Granite School District's Annual Title I Parent Meeting, and other information, please visit the Granite School District Title I website.
Parent Compact, Policy & Rights to Know
- Parent-School Learning Compact
- School Parent Engagement Policy
- Parents' Right to Know (opens the District's Title I website)
Other School Information
Parent-School Learning Compact
James E. Moss Elementary
2024-25 Parent – School Learning Compact
A learning compact outlines shared responsibilities for high student academic achievement and is developed jointly with parents, teachers, administrators, and if appropriate, students. The term parent in this compact refers to the parent(s), guardian(s), or other trusted adult(s) assisting the student in his or her learning.
Attendance: The student will attend at least 90% of school days. The parent will ensure that the student attends at least 90% of school days. The teacher will mark daily attendance in GradeBook. The school will notify the parent when the student is absent.
Curriculum: The student will do his or her assigned work completely and on time, while striving for accuracy and excellence. The parent will be familiar with classroom assignments and due dates, supporting the student in their completion. The teacher and administrator will provide high quality, engaging curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables students to meet USBE’s challenging academic standards.
Homework/Formative Assessments: The student will complete homework on time, and spend an appropriate amount of time on homework and other independent practice as recommended by the teacher. The parent will provide a distraction-free environment to the student for homework and study time. The teacher will provide timely feedback on homework and other formative assessments. The administrator will provide progress reports coinciding with end of grading periods.
Classroom Behavior: The student will follow all reasonable requests made by faculty members. The parent will be familiar with and support classroom expectations. The teacher will establish, post, and enforce clear classroom expectations. The administrator will support classroom expectations through a school-wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports.
Parent and Family Engagement: The student will bring flyers and other information from school to home. The parent will attend parent conferences and prioritize other academic school events. The teacher and administrator will engage in a regular, two-way meaningful communication with parents and family members, including hosting a minimum of two parent conferences per academic school year.
Extra Assistance: The student will attend offered tutoring sessions or initiate asking questions to instructors as needed. The parent will contact school officials with questions or concerns, and consider volunteering. The teacher will provide time to assist students and respond to parent questions.
Grade Tracking: The student will check grades and assignments at least weekly. The parent will track their student’s grades, assignments, and attendance at least weekly. The teacher will update GradeBook consistently. The administrator will support students’ and parents’ ability to track grades.
Academic Integrity: The student will demonstrate integrity by doing their own work by citing work appropriately, and by clarifying (as needed, depending on the assignment), the appropriateness of collaboration. The parent will clarify with teacher(s) the appropriate level of parental assistance on individual assignments and review the concept of academic integrity (what constitutes cheating, plagarism, and appropriate collaboration). The teacher will explicitly review with the students the concept of academic integrity, and what constitutes cheating, plagiarism, and appropriate collaboration. The administrator will support academic integrity in the school by reinforcing this behavior through Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports.
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Parent Engagement Policy
James E. Moss 2024-25 Family Engagement Policy
The staff at Moss Elementary School has always regarded parental involvement vital to the success of students achieving academic success. All schools have their individual characteristics and needs; Moss Elementary is no different. Within our community there are many diverse cultures, languages, and students with special needs. We encourage parents and guardians to participate as school volunteers, in PTA and the Community Council.
It is the intent that our communication with parents, such as materials or flyers, will be written in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that is understandable. If anyone would like clarification, interpretation, or additional support, please contact the office at 385-646-4930. Each parent or guardian is highly encouraged to work directly with the teacher of the child to resolve any concerns.
A school-parent compact has been developed by the Moss Community Council, PTA, and staff. A copy is available on our website or by contacting the office staff. The purpose of the compact is to increase each child\'s academic achievement.
Our policy includes specifically how the following activities will be accomplished:
Some ways in which parents will be kept informed and assisted in understanding expected state, district and school academic standards, assessment used, and student student achievement expectations.
- Thursday Folders/Memo
- SEP Conferences (translators when needed)
- Send home information from the District Office
- Email, Teleparent, DOJO, School Facebook page
Some ways materials and training will be offered to parents to help them work with their children to improve achievement, such as literacy, numeracy and technology training.
- Family Nights which support academics at home
- Individualized help as requested or needed
Some ways in which appropriate coordination of parent involvement activities can take place with various programs at the school. Some of the programs or activities may include the following: pre-school, after-school programs, parent information and resource centers, parental classes or any other program that might be beneficial.
- School Thursday Memo
- Counseling Center
- Assistance with translation in Spanish when registering and at conferences
- Translation of notes
- Volunteers
Some ways parents and staff will work together, reach out, and communicate with each other to realize more fully the value and contributions that parental involvement adds to the success of the child\'s achievement growth and the success of the school.
- Communication through phone calls, texts, emails, and planners
- Small group meetings as needed
- Facebook, Dojo and Blackboard
School Annual Title I Meeting
Parent input is valued. Each year, a parent meeting is held where our school solicits input in the planning and implementation of school parent engagement activities.
Date: October 3, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m.
Our meeting Content:
What is Title I?
Our School Goals and Strategies
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
How can I (a parent) be involved?
We are designated Title I so…
- Title I schools receive extra funding (Title I dollars) from the federal government. These dollars are used to:
- Identify students experiencing academic difficulties and provide assistance to help these students;
- Fund additional staff, programs, materials, and/or supplies; and
- Conduct parent and family engagement meetings, trainings, events, and/or activities.
School Title I Goals
Each year, our school conducts a needs assessment, reviews student performance data, and solicits input from various stakeholders in order to develop a meaningful Title I Plan. This plan is data-driven, evidence-based, and responsive to findings from data reviews, needs assessment findings, and stakeholder input. The school comprehensive Title I plan articulates how evidence-based strategies, action steps and milestones will support the goals listed below.
Goal One
Our goal is to increase student achievement on the ELA RISE assessment by 3% from 24% in 2024 to 27% proficiency in 2025.
Goal Two
Our goal is to increase student achievement on the Math RISE assessment by 3% from 28% in 2024 to 31% in 2025.
Goal Three
Our goal is to increase student achievement on the Science RISE assessment by 3% from 25% in 2024 to 28% in 2025.
Goal Four
We would like 55% of K-3 students to demonstrate proficiency using Acadience math and 52% of K-4 students to demonstrate proficiency using Acadience Reading.
Goal Five
By the end of the year, we would like 72% of K-3 students to show typical or above typical growth using Acadience Reading and 72% of K-4 students to show typical or above typical growth using Acadience Math.
Back to IndexSanctioned Status
Moss Elementary
4399 South 500 East
Salt Lake City, Utah
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We are writing to let you know that Moss Elementary School has been designated as an Targeted Comprehensive Support & Improvement for students with disabilities school. This designation means that this student population scores among the lowest-performing five percent in Utah’s Title I schools in academic performance and growth.
The program improvement designation provides an opportunity for principals, teachers, and parents to focus on areas of school improvement. The Granite School District and the Utah State Board of Education are working with our school to improve teaching and learning, especially in the areas of reading and mathematics by providing technical assistance and professional development opportunities to the teachers and administrators within our school.
Moss Elementary School is working to improve its academic program by undergoing a rigorous school improvement effort led by a school system of support team. We have reduced class sizes, trained interventionist to support all grade levels in reading, structured Multilingual Learner program with highly trained certified teachers, and a master schedule that focuses on targeted small group time and teacher collaboration. However, parent support is essential to the success of the school improvement efforts.
Parents can effectively assist student achievement improvement in the following ways:
- Communicating frequently with your student’s teachers
- Making sure your student attends school regularly
- Helping your student with homework
- Monitoring your student’s screen time
- Reading aloud to your student
- Volunteering in the classroom
- Participating in school decision-making
We want to request your help as the school addresses its academic needs and will invite parents to serve on the committee that will develop a school improvement plan.
Benjamin B. Horsley, Superintendent
Aaron R. Wilson, Ed.D., Title I Director
Lindsay Adams, Principal
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