Dear Oakridge Families,
As you are aware, a large storm is forecasted to move in tonight and continue to snow all night. Granite School District will do everything possible to keep our schools open. We are currently planning to have school tomorrow. Decisions about holding school are made by the superintendency. These decisions are typically made early in the morning after they have evaluated the storm. If you do not receive notification of a delayed start or distance learning day, you can plan on having a regular school day. If there is a delayed start or distance learning day, notifications will be sent out via email, phone, text etc. The district will also post this information on their webpage. The news and radio stations will be notified to broadcast this information too.
Your child’s teacher has been asked to share their distance learning plan and learning materials with you in advance of the storm. We want to be proactive and provide your children with learning materials if we have a distance learning day. Please reach out to your child’s teacher with any questions about their plan.
I have included the link below for detailed information on Granite School District’s Inclement Weather Procedures
If you are not sure you are signed up to receive the communications from the school, please contact the office at (385) 646-4936 for assistance.
Happy shoveling,
Mrs. Bergera