Good morning, parents, It is COLD out there! Please instruct your students to come straight into the building. If the "feels like" temperature is 24 or below in the morning, students should not be outside. They can sit in the hall outside their classroom door until school starts. We use the Salt Lake County Unified Fire Authority Millcreek station on the WeatherBug App to monitor “Feels Like” Temperature. ...
Huddle at Penn
Our next Huddle at Penn family event is a Bingo Night on Thursday, January 23rd from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. There will also be a book exchange that night. Bring children's books you no longer need to donate. You don't need to donate to pick out a book for your kids. Also, don't forget about the joke contest that night. You'll get an extra prize if we read your joke during Bingo. Kids, submit your jokes here: ...
Holiday Performance for Parents
Each grade level has prepared two songs to sing for parents to celebrate the holidays. Come watch them perform on Thursday, December 19th. The grades will be performing in the following order at the following times in the gym: ...
Open Enrollment
Applications for early open enrollment will be accepted starting at 8:00 a.m. on Friday, November 15th. ...
Opportunities and Happenings
Dear Parents, here are some important updates and reminders: ...
Halloween Parade and Class Parties
Dear Parents, The PTA is planning a Halloween party for each class on Thursday, October 31st at 10:00 a.m. They are looking for volunteers to provide snacks and facilitate games. Please use this link to sign up for an assignment if you can help in anyway: Also, the parade will start at 8:45 a.m., but we will parade through 24 classrooms BEFORE we arrive to the parent ...
Penguin Huddle
Dear Parents, we sent home this flyer last week, but want to post it here and encourage you to attend our first ever Penguin Huddle. For our first event we invite you to come learn a few simple square dances to modern music as taught by our special guest instructor and caller, Wendy Brooks (see her bio below). We will also serve lemonade and cookies. The fun starts at 6:00 p.m. outside in the back of the school by the penguin doors. "Wendy ...
Panorama Survey Information
Panorama Survey Information for Families Students are important partners in our efforts to improve our communication, academic program and overall educational experience. In order to learn more about what students need to thrive, we will be asking for your child’s feedback via an online survey given three times a year that will be completed at school. Your student’s feedback will provide valuable insight into their experiences and help our ...
School Community Council Election
Please vote for three candidates to serve on our School Community Council this year. The election will take place September 11th through September 13th! Please vote before the end of day Friday! ...