Information Meeting Sept. 16, 2021
- Competition Guides and Rubrics (GitHub account required: ask Kapptie for access)
- Establish Member Logins
- Elections will be held on Sept. 23rd at 2:20pm (students will prepare 90 second speech)
- GitHub repository sign in established
- Discuss membership fees and webstore accounts etc.
- Begin selecting teams for competitions (Google Spreadsheet)
- Collection of Participation Agreement Form
- Service Project (hall of trees?)
- Calendar for 2021-21
- Discuss rubrics and chapter formation
- President: Nicholas Zhang – The President presides over and conducts all meetings in accordance with parliamentary procedure; keeps the members on the subject and within the time limits; appoints committee chairs and serves on committees as an ex-officio member; represents the organization at special functions; keeps in touch with other officers, the membership, and the advisor; and keeps informed to ensure that the chapter is following the chapter’s program of work.
- Vice President: Michael Drollinger – The vice-president serves in any capacity as directed by the President; accepts the responsibility of the President as the occasion may demand; and serves as the chairman of the Membership Committee.
- Treasurer: Sophia Turner – The Treasurer serves in any capacity as directed by the President; keeps records and membership reports as necessary, and serves as chairman of the Budget Committee.
- Secretary: Alex Ikeda – The Secretary serves in any capacity as directed by the President; records proceedings of all meetings; writes letters, and conducts communication between the State officers and the chapters and the public.
- Reporter: Warner Wilson – The reporter serves in any capacity as directed by the President; accumulates and keep up to date information on the history of the association; prepares articles for publication in WV TSA publications, professional magazines, journals, newspapers and other news media; and contacts other association members concerning new items for publication.
- SGT at Arms: Miguel Oyarzun – The Sergeant-at-Arms serves in any capacity as directed by the President; assists in the preparation and control of the meeting place; and assists in conducting all meetings according to parliamentary procedure as set forth by Robert’s Rules of Orders, Newly Revised.
Skyline has a TSA chapter. Membership will soon be open for the 2021-22 year. Contact Mr Kapptie for registration info or competition details etc. Skyline is also forming a Vex Robotics team that will compete throughout the year and at TSA State!
Forms and Information:
- Utah TSA (Info, Calendar and Forms)
- Participation Agreement Form
- TSA FLC transportation schedule – FINAL
- TSA Competition Signup