Good Morning Parents and Students:
First of all, I just want all of my amazing students to know how much I miss you and I want you to know that I am thinking of you. I hope that you are taking the time to read a good book, play outside in the sun, and spending time with your family.
Parents I just wanted to fill you in on some information regarding your children’s Distance Learning plans. You should have or will receive today a letter from your children’s teachers outlining what learning will look like for each individual class. That should have come through Class DoJo or Remind. I think that most of our teachers use one or the other. Your child will be doing most of their learning online unless you have let us know that will not work for your child. (Kindergarten and 1st grades have packets for you to pick up at school. Otherwise your teacher should have let you know if you needed to pick up anything). Click on the link for letters from our PE and Dance Specialist for suggestions to support your students at home. This is a whole new experience for all of us. Parents please be so patient with all of us as were work through this process.
Learning Material and Chromebook Pick-up
Here is the schedule for pick-up tomorrow. The Chromebook pick-up does require a parent signature as you are agreeing to be financially responsible for loss and damage. If you are sending another adult to pick it up, please know that whom ever signs the sign-out form they take on that financial responsibility. NO Chromebooks will be distributed to students with out an adult present. We have aides that will be escorting groups of parents in so this process may take some time. Please come with patience and understanding in your hearts.
- All classes will use Google Classroom for communicating lessons. You will be sent notifications about how to log on. Lessons will be posted by 8:00am each day.
- Teachers will communicate with you via email with further instructions specific to their classrooms.
- Home learning takes longer than lessons at school, 4-6 learning activities a day. Each lesson may be expected to take up to 15 -20 minutes for students in grades K-1, up to 30 minutes for students in grades 2-3, and up to 45 minutes for students in grades 4-6. Go at your own pace; the lessons do not have to be completed one right after another. Our expectation is that the work is done on the day it is assigned, or by the date it is due. If exams are given, students will have a time window in which to complete them. If your child needs more challenge, please contact the teacher and s/he can help.
- In addition to the lessons, teachers may have a daily reading requirement.
- The school office will be open on Wednesday in case you need to retrieve work materials or belongings. See below for your assigned times.
- Please monitor the morale of your child and their workload. You have the latitude to make good decisions for the well-being of your students. Communicate with the teacher if you have a question or concern. We are here to support you!
Please arrive at these times based on the 1st
letter of your last name:
(To avoid large crowds please come at your assigned times.)
A-D 9:00 am
E-H 10:00 am
I-M 11:00 am
N-R 12:00 pm
S-Z 1:00 pm
School Meals
Breakfast and Lunch are being provided at all school locations. Please see information at the following website: As a reminder meals will not be served during our Spring Recess on March 19, 20, & 23rd.
Social Emotional Wellbeing
Please click on the link and you will find a letter from our social work department. English and Spanish Here also is a link to our school Social work page:
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten registration is on hold until school is reconvened.
PTA Chocolate Fundraiser
PTA will be here during the lunch service on Wednesday. If you have money or unsold chocolate bars that need to be returned, please return them to the school asap. Prizes will be handed out when we return to school.
Please let us know if you have any questions/concerns.
Cindy Dunn
Calvin Smith Elementary