We hope you had a wonderful long weekend. It was great to see so many of you at SEP Conferences last week. Thank you for coming! You are an important member of our team and we appreciate your time. Thank you for supporting our Book Fair and for donating food to feed our teachers. Our Eastwood community is fantastic!
Please be aware of the following:
- The testing window for placement in Granite School District’s Advanced Learner Programs for the 2023-2024 school year will be October 5- December 9 for grades 3-6, and January 4 – March 10 for grades K-2. It is not necessary to have your child tested each year. However, children who want to be considered for placement in the Advanced Learning Center Program at Morningside must participate this year in the assessments. In addition, students entering junior high who are interested in taking Gifted and Talented classes in junior high must be tested this year. It is not necessary for students planning to register for honors classes in junior high to be tested. If you would like your child to participate in the Advanced Learner testing, please notify your child’s teacher by Monday, October 3rd, 2022.
- Students have ten more days to “Show Your Voice!” and participate in the PTA Reflections Contest. Entries are due on Friday, October 7, 2022. Categories include 2-D Art, 3-D Art, Literature, Music, Dance, Photography, and Film. To enter, go to www.utahpta.org/ref Remember to keep entries after submitting online! You will be required to submit the artwork should your child’s entry receive an Award of Excellence. If you have questions, contact Gaylynn Whitehead at gaylynnw@gmail.com
- Some of our families are choosing to send their children to school with cell phones and/or smart watches. Please remind your children to use these devices while in the main office. Doing so will help our office staff know what is happening so we can best assist you and your children. We can only help if we know what is going on. Also, the school is not responsible for lost or damaged personal technology.
Have a fantastic week!