The focus of Title I schools is to help students achieve proficiency on core standards, closing academic gaps that may exist. These efforts include providing targeted supports to at-risk students, building teachers' capacity through professional development, and strengthening parents' abilities in helping their children succeed.
An Introduction to Title I
- Answers to Commonly Asked Questions
- For other annual Title I parent information, Granite School District's parent engagement policy, a summary of Granite School District's Annual Title I Parent Meeting, and other information, please visit the Granite School District Title I website.
Parent Compact, Policy & Rights to Know
- Parent-School Learning Compact
- School Parent Engagement Policy
- Parents' Right to Know (opens the District's Title I website)
Other School Information
Parent-School Learning Compact
Farnsworth Elementary
School-Parent Compact 2024-2025
Partners in Education: Farnsworth students have the best opportunity to learn and grow when families and school work together. Our Home-School Compact outlines how we can work together to ensure student success.
Farnsworth School will…
- Provide 1:1 technology to all students (ChromeBooks) and quality technology in classrooms
- Hire an additional teacher to lower the teacher-to-student ratio
- Hire paraeducators to support learning in classrooms facilitating Tier 1 small groups.
- Provide Tier 1 instructional materials to support differentiation and scaffolding that allows students to receive individual and appropriate instruction.
- Provide quality and engaging learning opportunities every day, with every student.
Tiger students will…
- Try their best in language arts, math and science working towards proficiency in each standard.
- Work hard to make typical or above typical growth in Reading and in Math on their Pathways to Progress goals.
- Come to school on time, ready to learn every day.
Parents can help at home by…
- Reading every day with their child for 20 minutes.
- Talk to your child about their school day.
- Check GradeBook consistently
- Ensure your child comes to school every day, on time, ready to learn.
Social Skills & Disposition
Farnsworth School will…
- Provide a full time social worker to support students and families.
- Check in regularly with families to engage students in the learning process.
- Engage parents in their child’s learning opportunities.
Tiger students will…
- Demonstrate proficiency in the Graduate of Granite characteristics (respect, dependability, communication, responsibility, hard work and resiliency).
- Participate in classroom community building activities.
- Learn to ask for help when needed.
Parents can help at home by…
- Communicate with teachers and work as a partner in support your child’s learning.
- Actively participate in school activities.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Farnsworth School will…
- Set clear expectations for behavior and correct inappropriate behaviors in a positive and restorative manner.
- Treat everyone with kindness and respect.
- Give out Tiger Tickets to reinforce when students are showing expected behaviors.
- Give out Tiger Stripe rewards to reinforce when classes are, as a whole, showing expected behaviors.
- Provide “Safari Celebrations” to reward positive school wide behaviors.
Tigers will…
- Follow behavior expectations and treat everyone with kindness and respect.
- Earn tickets for showing positive behaviors.
- Work collaboratively as a class to earn rewards.
- Show they are a positive member of the Farnsworth learning community.
Parents can help at home by…
- Following the Tigers expectations while at school.
- Ask their child about their Tiger Tickets.
- Complement their child when they are displaying positive and kind behaviors.
Socios en la educación: los estudiantes de Farnsworth tienen la mejor oportunidad de aprender y crecer cuando las familias y la escuela trabajan juntas. Nuestro Pacto Hogar-Escuela describe cómo podemos trabajar juntos para garantizar el éxito de los estudiantes.
La escuela Farnsworth…
- Proporcionar tecnología 1:1 a todos los estudiantes (ChromeBooks) y tecnología de calidad en las aulas.
- Contratar a un maestro adicional para reducir la proporción maestro-estudiante
- Contratar paraeducadores para apoyar el aprendizaje en las aulas facilitando grupos pequeños de Nivel 1.
- Proporcionar materiales educativos de Nivel 1 para apoyar la diferenciación y el andamiaje que permita a los estudiantes recibir instrucción individual y adecuada.
- Brindar oportunidades de aprendizaje atractivas y de calidad todos los días, con cada estudiante.
Los estudiantes tigre...
- Haga su mejor esfuerzo en artes del lenguaje, matemáticas y ciencias trabajando para lograr el dominio de cada estándar.
- Trabajar duro para lograr un crecimiento típico o superior al típico en lectura y matemáticas en sus objetivos de Pathways to Progress.
- Ven a la escuela a tiempo, listo para aprender todos los días.
Los padres pueden ayudar en casa...
- Leer todos los días con su hijo durante 20 minutos.
- Hable con su hijo sobre su día escolar.
- Verifique el libro de calificaciones constantemente
- Asegúrese de que su hijo llegue a la escuela todos los días, a tiempo y listo para aprender.
Habilidades sociales y disposición
La escuela Farnsworth…
- Proporcionar un trabajador social de tiempo completo para apoyar a los estudiantes y las familias.
- Consulte periódicamente con las familias para involucrar a los estudiantes en el proceso de aprendizaje.
- Involucrar a los padres en las oportunidades de aprendizaje de sus hijos.
Los estudiantes tigre...
- Demostrar dominio de las características del Graduado de Granito (respeto, confiabilidad, comunicación, responsabilidad, trabajo duro y resiliencia).
- Participar en actividades de construcción de comunidad en el aula.
- Aprenda a pedir ayuda cuando sea necesario.
Los padres pueden ayudar en casa...
- Comuníquese con los maestros y trabaje como socio para apoyar el aprendizaje de su hijo.
- Participar activamente en las actividades escolares.
Intervenciones y apoyos para el comportamiento positivo
La escuela Farnsworth…
- Establezca expectativas claras de comportamiento y corrija los comportamientos inapropiados de una manera positiva y reparadora.
- Trata a todos con amabilidad y respeto.
- Distribuya Tiger Tickets para reforzar cuando los estudiantes muestren los comportamientos esperados.
- Entregue recompensas Tiger Stripe para reforzar cuando las clases, en su conjunto, muestren los comportamientos esperados.
- Proporcionar “Celebraciones de Safari” para recompensar los comportamientos positivos en toda la escuela.
Los tigres...
- Siga las expectativas de comportamiento y trate a todos con amabilidad y respeto.
- Gana boletos por mostrar comportamientos positivos.
- Trabaje en colaboración como clase para ganar recompensas.
- Demuestre que es un miembro positivo de la comunidad de aprendizaje de Farnsworth.
Los padres pueden ayudar en casa...
- Siguiendo las expectativas de los Tigres mientras estaba en la escuela.
- Pregúntele a su hijo sobre sus Tiger Tickets.
- Felicite a su hijo cuando muestre comportamientos positivos y amables.
Parent Engagement Policy
Parent Engagement Policy
The staff at Philo T Farnsworth Elementary School has always regarded parental involvement vital to the success of students achieving academic success. All schools have their individual characteristics and needs; Philo T Farnsworth Elementary is not any different. Within our community there are many diverse cultures, languages, and students with special needs. We encourage parents and guardians to participate as school volunteers, in PTA and the Community Council.
We honor the important role that families have as the first and most important teachers of their children. We appreciate you sharing your children with us as we help your children achieve their academic potential and social emotional well-being. The partnership between home and school is vital to the success of your child’s academic growth.
How parents/guardians and families are involved in decision-making activities:
Parents have rights to provide input on school engagement practices and to be active participants and decision-makers in not only their own student’s educational experience, but in the development of school-wide initiatives through participating in PTA meetings, serving on Farnsworth’s Community Council, volunteering at school, receiving information regarding school programs, and having questions answered in a timely manner.
How Family and Community Engagement funds used:
Farnworth Elementary uses funds to provide activities that involve families in student learning. Some events that are provided include
- Hot Dog Hello, Back to School
- Literacy Nights, throughout the year
- Math Night, typically held in December
- Art Night, typically held in April/May
- PTA events
- Community Council meetings
- Translation Support
How are information and trainings provided to families:
Farnsworth staff and faculty are committed to providing information to families in various formats and in multiple languages trying to reach as many families as possible. Some ways we communicate with families include emails, Class Dojo, Remind, monthly calendars, social media. We use translation services to ensure all families are included.
How Farnsworth builds capacity for strong parent and family engagement:
Farnsworth is committed to building parents’ capacity to support their child’s learning. We do this in many ways including providing academic supports to students and their families, social emotional supports to families, acknowledging and providing support to overcome barriers to learning. This is accomplished through after school activities and programs, access to mental health supports, access to food and clothing, etc.
Your Involvement Matters!
The staff at Philo T Farnsworth Elementary School has always considered parent involvement to be vital to the success of students achieving academically. All schools have their individual characteristics and needs; Philo T Farnsworth Elementary is no different. Within our community there are many diverse cultures, languages, and students with special needs. We encourage parents and guardians to participate as school volunteers, on the PTA, and on the Community Council.
We honor the important role families play as their children\'s first and most important teachers. We appreciate you sharing your children with us as we help your children reach their academic potential and social-emotional well-being. The partnership between home and school is vital to the success of your child\'s academic growth.
Política de participación de los padres
El personal de la Escuela Primaria Philo T Farnsworth siempre ha considerado que la participación de los padres es vital para que los estudiantes logren el éxito académico. Todas las escuelas tienen sus características y necesidades individuales; La escuela primaria Philo T Farnsworth no es diferente. Dentro de nuestra comunidad hay muchas culturas, idiomas y estudiantes diversos con necesidades especiales. Alentamos a los padres y tutores a participar como voluntarios escolares, en la PTA y el Consejo Comunitario.
Honramos el importante papel que tienen las familias como los primeros y más importantes maestros de sus hijos. Apreciamos que comparta a sus hijos con nosotros mientras los ayudamos a alcanzar su potencial académico y su bienestar socioemocional. La asociación entre el hogar y la escuela es vital para el éxito del crecimiento académico de su hijo.
Cómo participan los padres/tutores y las familias en las actividades de toma de decisiones:
Los padres tienen derecho a brindar opiniones sobre las prácticas de participación escolar y a ser participantes activos y tomadores de decisiones no solo en la experiencia educativa de sus propios estudiantes, sino también en el desarrollo de iniciativas a nivel escolar a través de la participación en reuniones de la PTA, sirviendo en el Consejo Comunitario de Farnsworth, como voluntarios. en la escuela, recibir información sobre los programas escolares y recibir respuestas a sus preguntas de manera oportuna.
Cómo se utilizan los fondos de Participación Familiar y Comunitaria:
La Primaria Farnworth utiliza fondos para ofrecer actividades que involucran a las familias en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Algunos eventos que se proporcionan incluyen
*Hot Dog Hola, regreso a clases
*Noches de Alfabetización, durante todo el año
*Noche de Matemáticas, que normalmente se lleva a cabo en diciembre
*Noche de Arte, que normalmente se lleva a cabo en abril/mayo
*Eventos de la Asociación de Padres y Maestros
*Reuniones del consejo comunitario
*Soporte de traducción
¿Cómo se brinda información y capacitación a las familias?
El personal y los profesores de Farnsworth están comprometidos a brindar información a las familias en varios formatos y en varios idiomas para tratar de llegar a la mayor cantidad de familias posible. Algunas formas en que nos comunicamos con las familias incluyen correos electrónicos, Class Dojo, Remind, calendarios mensuales y redes sociales. Utilizamos servicios de traducción para garantizar que todas las familias estén incluidas.
Cómo Farnsworth desarrolla la capacidad para una fuerte participación de los padres y la familia:
Farnsworth está comprometido a desarrollar la capacidad de los padres para apoyar el aprendizaje de sus hijos. Hacemos esto de muchas maneras, incluido brindar apoyo académico a los estudiantes y sus familias, apoyo socioemocional a las familias, reconocer y brindar apoyo para superar las barreras del aprendizaje. Esto se logra a través de actividades y programas extracurriculares, acceso a apoyos de salud mental, acceso a alimentos y ropa, etc.
¡Su participación importa!
El personal de la Escuela Primaria Philo T Farnsworth siempre ha considerado que la participación de los padres es vital para el éxito académico de los estudiantes. Todas las escuelas tienen sus características y necesidades individuales; La primaria Philo T Farnsworth no es diferente. Dentro de nuestra comunidad hay muchas culturas, idiomas y estudiantes diversos con necesidades especiales. Alentamos a los padres y tutores a participar como voluntarios escolares, en la PTA y en el Consejo Comunitario.
Honramos el importante papel que desempeñan las familias como los primeros y más importantes maestros de sus hijos. Apreciamos que comparta a sus hijos con nosotros mientras los ayudamos a alcanzar su potencial académico y su bienestar socioemocional. La asociación entre el hogar y la escuela es vital para el éxito del crecimiento académico de su hijo.
Back to Index
School Annual Title I Meeting
Parent input is valued. Each year, a parent meeting is held where our school solicits input in the planning and implementation of school parent engagement activities.
- Date: September 16-17, 2024
- Time: 6:00 p.m.
At this parent meeting, we will discuss the following agenda items: what is Title I, how does our school use Title I funds, what services do students receive, what curricula and assessments are used, what is our school\'s parent and family engagement policy, what is a school parent compact, what are my rights as a parent, how can I be involved, and where can I go to receive more information?
- Fecha: 16-17 de Septiembre del 2024
- Hora: 6:00 p.m.
En esta reunión de padres, discutiremos los siguientes temas de la agenda: qué es el Título I, cómo usa nuestra escuela los fondos del Título I, qué servicios reciben los estudiantes, qué currículos y evaluaciones se utilizan, cuál es la política de participación de padres y familias de nuestra escuela, qué es un pacto para padres escolares, cuáles son mis derechos como padre, ¿Cómo puedo participar y dónde puedo ir para recibir más información?
Back to IndexSchool Title I Goals
Each year, our school conducts a needs assessment, reviews student performance data, and solicits input from various stakeholders in order to develop a meaningful Title I Plan. This plan is data-driven, evidence-based, and responsive to findings from data reviews, needs assessment findings, and stakeholder input. The school comprehensive Title I plan articulates how evidence-based strategies, action steps and milestones will support the goals listed below.
Goal One
At least 60% of students will reach typical or above typical progress on the 2025 end of year Acadience Reading assessment.
Goal Two
At least 68% of students will reach typical or above typical progress on the 2025 end of year iReady mathematics diagnostic.
Goal Three
Based on the 2025 WIDA ACCESS Exam, 30% of students will reach their WIDA growth target.
Goal Four
During the 2024-2025 school year, daily student attendance will improve by 2% (91%) compared to average daily attendance of 89% in 2023-2024. Chronically absent students goes from 33.96 to less than 32%.
Goal Five
Students reporting sense of belonging on the Panorama Survey will increase 2% from the beginning of the year to the end of the year.
Back to IndexSanctioned Status
Philo T Farnsworth Elementary
3751 South Sunnyvale Dr, West Valley City, UT 84120
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We are writing to let you know that Philo T Farnsworth Elementary has been designated as an Additional Targeted Support and Improvement school for English Language Learner students, Economically Disadvantaged students, and Hispanic students. This designation means that these student populations scores among the lowest-performing five percent in Utah’s Title I schools in academic performance and growth. Philo T. Farnsworth has also been designated as a Targeted Comprehensive Support and Improvement school for students with disabilities.
The program improvement designation provides an opportunity for principals, teachers, and parents to focus on areas of school improvement. The Granite School District and the Utah State Board of Education are working with our school to improve teaching and learning, especially in the areas of reading and mathematics by providing technical assistance and professional development opportunities to the teachers and administrators within our school.
Philo T Farnsworth Elementary is working to improve its academic program by undergoing a rigorous school improvement effort led by a school system of support team. We are focusing on teacher clarity in our instruction, utilizing social and emotional learning opportunities with all of our students, and creating effective learning strategies for all of our students. We utilize Positive Behavior Intervention System rewards. However, parent support is essential to the success of the school improvement efforts.
Parents can effectively assist student achievement improvement in the following ways:
- Communicating frequently with your student’s teachers
- Making sure your student attends school regularly
- Helping your student with homework
- Monitoring your student’s screen time
- Reading aloud to your student
- Volunteering in the classroom
- Participating in school decision-making
We want to request your help as the school addresses its academic needs and will invite parents to serve on the committee that will develop a school improvement plan.
Ben Horsley, Superintendent
Aaron R. Wilson, Ed.D., Title I Director
Wendy Lovell, Principal
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