Good Afternoon Parents and Students:
I hope that you have all enjoyed your Easter Sunday with your family and have had a little time to step away from the uncertainty of COVID-19 to enjoy each other. Although we are all doing our part in this changing culture of social distancing and staying safe, we still are concerned about a few unknowns.
I had a meeting with my district bosses, and they send you their BEST wishes as we all continue to work within our current culture and climate of distance learning. In our meeting we discussed a few things I would like to share at this time, which will hopefully answer a few concerns you may have:
-There will be no citizenship requirement for all students for the 4th quarter given our dismissal.
-Seniors will NOT have a citizenship requirement for graduation.
-Seniors, a survey was sent to you from the district last Friday, April 10th, and we are asking for your participation. We are seeking your thoughts and ideas regarding “graduation” in case we do not return to school the remainder of the year and we are unable to execute our traditional ceremony. Please respond asap as the survey closes on April 15th.
-Seniors please continue to engage in your 4th quarter work and credit recovery as needed from prior quarters. Your counselor should have contacted you regarding your academic needs.
-Midterms are posting this Friday, April 17th, at the end of the school day. Parents, we will be mailing home your students midterm when it is finalized.
-Students who have NOT engaged in any work can still do so. Please reach out to your teachers as they will continue to work with and assist you. Thank you to those of you working daily on your 4th quarter assignments.
-If you are completing packets please come into the school between the hours of 8-2 to return what you have completed and pick up new packets for the next two weeks.
-Kearns High will NOT be serving any meals as we are now only a prep site. Please go to the district website to find the nearest surrounding school serving meals for your “grab and go”.
Please call the high school with any questions you may have. We are also practicing social distancing and have limited staff in the building. Our phones will be answered from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm, Monday-Friday. We will continue to post things as they come up during the week on our school website and our social media pages.
Thank you for your continued support as we educate our students under this new platform.
Principal Loo